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Thank you so much for reading, this is the last chapter. This is also on AO3/ so is my their story....

With Jeongguk in the hospital for two days, it took about a week for Namjoon to gather up his courage to talk to the members. They had all known they'd have to have a group meeting eventually, but it was easier said than done with they way everyone had been acting. Yoongi had been holed up in his studio, burrowed under lyrics of unfinished tracks to busy himself, take his mind away from everything, also using it as an excuse to actively avoid everyone, specifically Jeongguk. He couldn't bare to look him in the eyes, not after what had happened to him, 'because of me,' Yoongi thought.    

Jeongguk was acting much the same. Though the members, (specifically Jin) wanted to coddle him, Jeongguk managed to keep himself locked in his room, free from the constant touching and hugging, free from the constant hands. He knows he shouldn't feel like this. He shouldn't be able to feel the rough, coarse hands touching him with no regard for his feelings rather than his family's warm, gentle touch. But he does. And it's driving him crazy. He occasionally walked out of his room for a snack, much to the other's relief, but when he turned to face Yoongi, the older looked away. "Hey, hyung." He said, hopeful the other would acknowledge him. Yoongi just gave a slight nod of the head before turning on his heel and returning to the comfort of his own room. 'He's mad at me,' Jeongguk swallowed his thoughts, but they just kept flooding in. 'I was weak.' He felt the tears coming, not the first time this week, and dashed to his room. Namjoon, who'd been sitting on the sofa reading, looking up in time to witness the scene, sighed. "I think it's time we had a chat. Jin-hyung, will you please get everyone into the living room?"

Once everyone had settled, Hoseok looked to Namjoon. "So, are we going tos the start with the very obvious elephant in the room?" All the members looked to Yoongi, then to Jeongguk, Namjoon, a bit exasperated, looked at Yoongi. "Explain. Everyone has seen the way you've been avoiding Jeongguk." Jeongguk kept his gaze on the floor not bothering to look up. Yoongi put his hands together, fiddling with his fingers, a habit he's had for a while when put on the spot.

"It's my fault hyung. I understand why he's mad at me. I was weak," Jeongguk's eyes still focused on the ground as he spoke, "I couldn't stop them." He whispered the last bit, eyes stinging. Jeongguk finally looked up, and saw the concerned looks on his hyungs' faces. But what surprised him the most, was Yoongi. He looked like he was trying to hold back tears, and his gaze was worried, more than a little concerned, but also so full of guilt, though Jeongguk couldn't comprehend why Yoongi would ever feel guilty.

Yoongi took a deep breath and strolled over to Jeongguk, who was sitting on the small sofa opposite of the large couch. He sat down, without uttering a word, and wrapped his arms around the younger. "I could never, ever, be mad at you, Gukkie." Yoongi said softly, hating himself for how he made his already hurt dongsaeng feel. "Then, why did you avoid me, hyung?"

"I thought you were mad at me for letting them hurt you." Jeongguk looked at his hyungs, face contorting into shock. He saw the way Namjoon's head tilted to the floor, how Jin's leg nervously bounced. "Hyung, I know it's not your fault. No one in this room is to blame for that."

"Then why did you avoid us, Jeonggukkie?" Jeongguk looked at Taehyung. Suddenly, Yoongi's arms felt too much. Color felt too much. Everything was too much, even the slightest breath could be heard, and Jeongguk was overwhelmed. "Jeongguk, I need you to breath." Yoongi said, taking his hands off of the maknae instead to drop in front of him, kneeling down to control the younger's breathing. "Breath in, breath out." Jeongguk did his best to follow his hyung, and his breathing smoothed out eventually. Jimin popped up from his spot on the couch next to Namjoon and Hobi, moving next to Jeongguk to put his small hand on the younger's shoulder, who flinched at first contact, then immediately melting into the touch.

"I'm sorry. It's just, everyone just kept trying to hug me, and I know you mean well, but," Jeongguk breathed in deeply, trying to control his lack of confidence. Jimin squeezed his wrist. "But even if it's your hands, it feels like it did that night. Like their hands. And it hurts." He wrapped his arms around himself, head hanging down, sobbing quietly. Hoseok stood up. "Oh Jeonggukkie, I'm so sorry this happened." He said as he knelt down, putting his hands in front of Jeongguk so the younger could see them, then wrapped his arms around him, Yoongi and Jimin joining. Namjoon, Jin, and Taehyung made their way over, holding their maknae in their arms. "We'll take it slow, and we won't touch Jeongguk without warning. From now on, no one is to go out alone, and Jeongguk must always remain with either myself, Jin, Yoongi or Hoseok." Namjoon declared in a rather serious tone, everyone automatically agreeing.

"Now Jeongguk, there's still one more thing we have to discuss." Namjoon said, beckoning for the members to sit down. "We've been asked if you'll be willing to testify. If not, it's okay, Yoongi can testify as a victim as well. Obviously, the public is going to find out the verdict, and there is a great chance of a scandal coming out based on what you tell them, especially regarding the sexual assault. But, it's the only way they'll truly get sentence they deserve." Namjoon looked at him grimly. Jeongguk shook his nerves down.
"Like hell they're getting away with a shorter sentence. Those bastards-" Yoongi began to pace around the room. "Yoongi!" Jin said, tone authoritative but calm. "I'll do it," Jeongguk blurted. Everyone stared at him. "Are you sure Gguk?" Jin asked. Jeongguk nodded his head. "Yeah. I'm scared, but, they can't get away and hurt someone else." Jin smiled, ruffling his hair. "That's our Jeonggukkie."


Life in prison without parole. Jeongguk sank to the couch, falling on top of Taehyung. "It's over." Taehyung said. Jeongguk nodded. Finally, they can rest. The past few weeks have been physically straining. Between Jeongguk's therapy sessions, practice, and the trials, the members had been working non-stop. Yoongi sat next to the two. "I could sleep for a whole year." He mumbled.

"You could sleep for a whole year even when you're not working." Jimin groaned, laying across both Jeongguk and Yoongi. A sharp click sound flushed them out of their mini rant session, causing Yoongi to frown. "Hyung, really?" He said, staring at Jin with his phone out.

"Sorry you just looked so cute piled together. All my precious dongsaengs finally in the same room." Jeongguk smiled. Namjoon and Hobi walked into the room, each hugging Jeongguk. "This problem has been going on for almost five years," Namjoon said, in disbelief. "It all started with Min Soo, now this."

Yoongi nodded, pulling to a sitting position "We can finally let this go." Jeongguk put his head on Yoongi's shoulder, Taehyung grabbing his hand. It's over. Sure it won't be all happy go lucky, and there will be more problems ahead, but right now, Jeongguk is safe, and the part of their days that they kept trapped inside was released. Everything was brighter, and it seemed as if the light that had been gone for so long was finally returning to their maknae's eyes. The part of their maknae's youth, his childhood, that had been ripped from him was finally let go, and purple no longer grazed his tanned, sun-kissed skin.

And just like that, they bid farewell to the last of their youth, and welcomed the future with open arms and a promise of better days.

And we Bid Farewell to the Last of our YouthWhere stories live. Discover now