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     Namjoon shivered as he tossed and turned. Sleep clearly didn't want to visit him that night, and no matter how many blankets were on top of him, he was still shaking. Not that it was cold, just that there was a gnawing feeling growing in the pit of his stomach, and the images flashed through his head, the memories. Namjoon didn't want to be alone. So when he felt his bed dip beside him, felt a familiar warmth make its way to him, he had never been more grateful to hear the words, "hyung, I can't sleep," come out of Taehyung's mouth.

    The warmth invited sleep to Namjoon's door.

   All Jeongguk could feel was eyes. Eyes on him, eyes on his hyungs, just eyes everywhere. He could've sworn he saw a shadow at his window, now confiding to Yoongi's studio for sleep, or his hyung's actual room, depending on where he was. He never told Yoongi about the shadows, he'd be weak if he did, he'd told himself. Yoongi didn't know what was bothering Jeongguk, but he did his best to comfort the boy, though he was pretty awkward in his actions.

At least they still had the lamb skewers place nearby their studio when all else failed.


    Seokjin couldn't quite place it, but something about Jeongguk was off. He'd suddenly flinch at the smallest movement, jump at the softest noise, and moved cautiously throughout the dorm. When questioned, the maknae's only answer was, "I'm okay," and nothing more was said. If Seokjin were to push Jeongguk to come clean to his hyungs, he'd only close up more. He had to give it a little longer.


   They're parents had all come to visit them, Jeongguk immediately crying into his brother's arms as his family entered the dorm. His family jumped on the next train to Seoul when they heard the news. Hoseok's family had come later that day, while Jeongguk was out with his parents, arriving at the same time as Seokjin. Yoongi had taken a train to meet his mother and brother, while Jimin and Taehyung called their's told them they were safe, and no, they didn't need to come all the way down to Bighit and file a lawsuit, and no, they were not injured, just shaken up. Taehyung's parents did come down the next day regardless of what was said over be phone, and Jimin spent another hour trying to tell his family he was okay.


    In the meantime, the boys were granted a two week break period, and Seokjin was cooking dinner, an ornate aroma now traveling throughout the room. Hosoek bounced into the kitchen, as if the smell were guiding him. Trying to dip his finger into the sauce Seokjin has made, Hoseok's eyebrows furrowed in concentration, making Jimin, who was on the couch with a clear few of the kitchen, laugh, causing Seokjin to face Hoseok, who looked extremely guilty as he managed to get the sauce into his mouth right before Jin exploded. "Yah! Do you know how much time I spent cooking that!" Seokjin yelled after Hoseok as he took off towards his room.

    Hoseok nearly tripped over Jeongguk, who startled so bad he fell against the wall. "Jeonggukie, are you alright?" Hoseok said as he reached out his hand to help his dongsaeng up. Jeongguk nodded. "Sorry Hyung, just scared me." Then Hoseok noticed Jeongguk's face mask. "Jeon Jeongguk were you about to leave this dorm?" Jeongguk shook his head. "I was just about to ask Jin-hyung if I could go to get Yoongi from his studio. He's not answering his phone." "Jeonggukie, you can go as long as you take some one with you, I don't want you going by yourself." Seokjin peered around the corner. "Take Jimin with you, I don't want you going alone, plus he's been in his butt all day anyways," Jeongguk giggled at the annoyed "Hyung!" that Jimin shouted from the couch. Hoseok laughed and made to walk past Jin, but Jin grabbed his wrist. "Hobi, please go with them, I know they're adults but, it's just-" Hoseok nodded. "I understand hyung. Don't worry, I'll go with them." Seokjin's face visibly relaxed. "Call me if anything happens."

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