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The man's grip on Jeongguk was ever strong, and Namjoon winced at the bruise it would leave along the maknae's tanned skin. The stranger moved the gun further down Jeongguk's face to touch right below his chin, the chill of the steel making him let out a noise akin to a whimper, fear coursing through his body. "Move back into the room, and take blondie," the man pointed to the unconscious Jin, "with you." Though rather unwillingly, Namjoon put a hand on Taehyung's shoulder, and the two of them heaved Jin's limp body into the musty room.

   The man followed them, and, with Jeongguk still in his arms, locked the door. He then threw Jeongguk towards them, gun still trained on the youngest. Namjoon quickly moved towards Jeongguk and pulled him into his arms, hugging him close as he eyed the man, who was taking off a black backpack Namjoon had not noticed before. The man then stood up, and moved towards Jeongguk. "Stand up!" He growled, watching intently as the youngest moved from Namjoon's arms to a shaky stand.

Taehyung took in a sharp breath as the man grabbed Jeongguk by the collar of his shirt, and put three ropes in his hand. "Tie them up." The gruff voice seemed to have pierced Jeongguk's nerves, as a look of pure horror passed over his face. The man placed the weapon to the back of his head, and Jeongguk let out a soft gasp as he felt the tip of the cold metal. Pushing towards Namjoon, a single tear slipped down his face. Namjoon turned around, facing away from his maknae, and put his hands behind his back. He saw how Jeongguk's hands trembled, how his breathing was strangled, and Namjoon felt powerless. His dongsaeng were in trouble, and all he could do was sit here, tied up.

"H-Hyung I'm sorry."

He heard a soft voice whisper in his ear. He turned his head to see Jeongguk's puffy eyes. "It's not your fault Jeongguk, don't you dare apologize." Jeongguk shook his head, "B-but hyung if I-" He was cut off by the man pushing the gun further against him, and Namjoon winced as Jeongguk stood up and moved towards Taehyung, who was openly crying now, and also cradling Jin's head in his lap, running his hands through Jin's hair to comfort himself rather than his hyung, unaware of the dire situation his dongsaeng were in.

After Jeongguk had tied up Jin and Taehyung's hands, the man put the gun in his belt and pushed Jeongguk to the ground, forcing the younger's hands on his back, and tying them as tight as he possible could, causing Jeongguk to yelp out in pain. Namjoon closed his eyes, unable to watch Jeongguk in pain, as Taehyung, with a lax Jin still tucked in his lap, shuffled over to Namjoon as best he could with his arms tied, and leaned against him. "You're a cute one eh?" The man said as he patted Jeongguk's cheek as Jeongguk tried to turn away.  "Look at me!" The man said as he grabbed Jeongguk's chin. There was something about the man's voice that stroke a cord of familiarity within Jeongguk then, but he couldn't know from where, the man's face, after all, was concealed. "Get your hands off him!" Namjoon yelled, his eyes watering at the sight of his maknae in the clutches of a stranger, especially one that had tied their hands behind their backs and put a gun to their heads. "I'll do what I want." The man grunted, but stepped away from Jeongguk. Namjoon was torn. And he was scared. He didn't have the strength to protect his members. He was useless.

Suddenly, the rope felt much more constricting around his hands than before.

It had been an hour, and no sign of Jin, Namjoon, Taehyung or Jeongguk had Jimin on edge. Nervous energy radiated around the room as he noticed he wasn't the only one with a bad feeling. Hoseok's constant tapping of his fingers on the small coffee table next to him and Yoongi's constant shuffling next to him on the sofa only made his worry more prominent. The door opening, caught all three heads as they looked expectantly at it, hoping to see any of the members, however, what they saw instead made the worry turn into tense fear. A police officer, clad in his uniform, stoically walked through the door, followed by three more officers and more security. "There's been, a bit of a...situation," the officer said, struggling to find the right words so as to keep the three members calm.

"What kind of a situation," Yoongi, who was now standing, walked closer to the door, only to notice the police blocking their exit. His eyes turned sharp, and Jimin self-consciously reached for Hosoek, desperate for his comforting warmth. Yoongi has moved away from the door and stood in front of Jimin and Hoseok, seeking comfort from his members as he realized that while the situation was unknown to him, something serious had occurred that involved his members, his only hyung and his dongsaeng.

    "What happened," he asked again, a bit more forcefully now, voice demanding some form of an answer, but even more a sign that they were okay. The officer had stared right at him and said, "Nothing too serious, we can assure your safety, and that your members will be fine, but we'll need too ask some questions first." Yoongi blanched. "That's bullshit, you wouldn't be here otherwise." He bit out, about to say something else when the officer's radio erupted, "Sir, we have a confirmed code number 171, requested backup."

   "What is a code 171?" Yoongi demanded, tone holding no room for argument, something Jimin had only heard twice, the first time when they found out about their manager's abuse of Jeongguk years ago, the second time being when Jimin had developed his eating disorder, and it had gotten so bad that after a trip to the hospital, Yoongi had put plate of leftovers that Jin made specifically for him hoping he'd eat from dinner the other night that he had skipped out on for the millionth time that week, and sat there with him until he had taken a few bites, only after a long and teary argument, and even though he couldn't eat much, Yoongi was there every step of the way.

   Jimin knew that tone well enough to know it meant something serious that put the other members in danger was happening, and his breath picked up.

     Hoseok frowned down at his dongsaeng. "Jiminie," He said, cupping his face. "Breathe with me please," He said softly, face full of concern. "Breathe for hyung. In for 4, our for 4..." Jimin tried to concentrate, and Hoseok eventually got his breath into a normal breathing pace. The officer looked at the three members huddled together with an unreadable expression that looked to be one of forced pity. Muttering something under his breath along the lines of "dumb idols," and a swear word, he looked straight at Yoongi. "It means there's been a hostage situation, and the suspect is dangerous and armed." Yoongi never felt such chaos as he tried to breathe, absorbing all the possibilities of what could happen. "A-Are you sure?" The officer nodded his head. "One of the security caught a staff member that wasn't supposed to be here, and the situation escalated from there." "How did this happen?" Hosoek piped up from where he was holding Jimin. "The perpetrators used fake id's, and stole uniforms. The ring leader is with the other members, and we have limited information on the circumstance at hand. All we know is that the members are alive, we'll do everything we can, the rest is confidential." The officer nonchalantly shrugged, no emotion in his words. Yoongi's anger only soared. "Confidential my ass." He whispered to himself, anger at its peak now, protective streak rising.

"Let me out."

"It seems that the police are here already." The man grinned at his phone.

T was caught, the police are here

Did the target ever make his appearance?

Not yet. Min Yoongi has yet to appear, but it'll be ok, I've still got hostages, we can use them a bit more than we've planned.

K boss, report back later

Min Yoongi has broken through the security barrier, target is approaching you.


M smirked and pulled down his face mask, throwing off his hat. He watched in pleasure as the three conscious captives looked at him in terror, Jeongguk's eyes widening. His mouth trembled as he spoke, even more fear breaking his resolve.

"Min Soo hyung?"

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