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     Park Jimin sat for what felt like the longest he'd ever had to sit, he didn't even know how long it had been since he watched his hyung storm past security, didn't know how long it had been since the police took a back route, using the one of the suspect's (Tae Woo? Jimin wasn't sure of his name, just that the man went by T) phone, tried to come up with a plan. Hoseok and Jimin were left with two armed staff, waiting for the okay to leave through the back exit. His nervous pacing seemed never ending, but he occasionally stopped to check on his hyung, who was sitting right beside him, sunshine and happiness melted into concern, fear, and terror. It was almost as if a cloud had covered Hoseok's aura.

    "Hyung, I can't take this anymore! We're the only two left, and we're just sitting here while the others are being hurt, or- or," Jimin's voice wobbled as he struggled to choke out the last word, "killed." He said it. The one word the both of them were afraid to say, but knew it was a possibility. The tension was so thick that a knife could slice through it. "D-don't say that Jiminie, they're going to be alright, they, they have to be!" Hoseok said as he started sobbing, Jimin instantly regretting his outburst.

"I'm sorry hyung, it's just," he paused as he wrapped his arms around his hyung in the form of a hug, a much need comfort for both of them, "I'm scared hyung, and I can't do anything about it." Hoseok nodded. "Me too, Jiminie, me too."


   "What is it you want me to do?" Yoongi questioned, looking straight into Min Soo's brown iris's. Before the man could answer, another presence appeared behind the rapper, and Yoongi twisted so fast he was sure he had whiplash, but that turned out to be the least of his worries when he saw the black figure reach out and grab him by the strands of his hair, yanking his head back, making Yoongi yelp in surprise as something cold almost like, 'a gun,' Yoongi realized, pushed against his ear.

    "First, you're going to come with us, then, we'll talk." Jeongguk let out another whimper, then, "Please, don't take Yoongi hyung, just take me, and-" Min Soo shook his head, "I'm sorry little one, I'll be taking you both, but I only plan on hurting one of you. You're just here as leverage Jeonggukie." Jeongguk shook his head. "Don't hurt Yoongi hyung, please! I'll do anything," the younger boy cried out, and Yoongi felt his heart shatter. "Jeongguk stop! I won't let you get hurt in my place," Yoongi shook his head. "But hyung, I c-can't lose you," Jeongguk's voice started to shake as the thought that he could lose one of his hyungs crossed his mind. "And I can't lose you, Gukkie."

"Aww, that's so touching, but we're going to have to get a move on, either you come with us willingly, or I'll have to force you." Min Soo grinned. 'Sadistic bastard,' Yoongi thought. "I'll go with you willingly, but only if you untie Jeongguk's hands, and let him stand by me." Min Soo shrugged. "I guess I can allow that, it's not like you could escape." Yoongi felt a small ray of relief flood through him at the thought of being able to walk next to his maknae, to comfort him, but that relief quickly turned morbid. "Try anything and I'll kill Jeongguk." Min Yoongi would not let Jeongguk die, under any circumstances.

    Min Soo untied Jeongguk's hands, and the gun moved away from Yoongi's head to train on his back as the man that was holding him stepped a few inches behind him. As soon as his hands were untied, Jeongguk ran to Yoongi and threw himself into his arms, sobbing his heart out, Yoongi letting out a few stray tears. "We're gonna be alright Gukkie, hyung will protect you yeah?" Yoongi whispered to Jeongguk as he held his dongsaeng close to him. Jeongguk sniffled, offered a timid, "yeah hyung, I believe you." Yoongi let out a small smile, and wrapped his arm protectively around Jeongguk's waist. "Trust hyung, I'll keep you safe." Jeongguk frowned, but he nodded to keep Yoongi at ease. He couldn't lose his hyung, he was part of his family.

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