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    This wasn't supposed to happen. Everything was set, perfectly organized,  perfectly safe, nothing could move an inch without being seen by a security guard or camera. At least that is what the members of Bangtan had thought prior to their concert. If only someone had checked the names and ID's, they'd notice a presences that shouldn't have been there.
That's just how it is with these types of situations, Namjoon had realized in the waiting lounge at the hospital. As he looked around at each of his emotionally and fear stricken faces of his other members, he felt a pang in his chest. We could have prevented this. Namjoon hadn't even realized the tear rolling down his cheek until he tasted the small drop of salt.
    The backstage area had been crawling with security guards, extra protection having been added since the management had discovered the threats against the boys' safety. Jeongguk has been standing nearest to the stage, watching the rehearsal for the rap line's new track. If he hadn't been so transfixed on his hyungs' performance, maybe he would've noticed the shadow in the background, eyes following the young idol with a malicious intent, mouth turning upwards into a grin as he came closer to achieving his goal in his twisted mind, payment.
   Even with the addition of a hundred new security guards, the shadow had found it very easy to enter the backstage area, having paired a fake ID and staff pass along with the stolen uniform he now wore, (thanks to the young officer that happened to choose to enter the bathroom at the unluckiest of times) and a black face mask allowed easy access. He made his way, stopping to watch the ongoing rehearsal, when his gaze caught the sight of a young boy watching the three members on stage with sparkling eyes. Jeon Jeongguk, the man stared at him with utter disgust. The youngest member, impressive, more young then I thought. I wonder just how you and your members will react tonight when you meet me. This'll be more fun than I imagined.
  The shadow sharply turned, almost running in to a female staff, and while bowing while uttering a quick apology, continued to wonder how no one seemed suspicious of him or even question his presence. Some security they are, he thought as he made his way to the storage room, carefully shutting the door and locking it behind him.
  If Yoongi was being completely honest with himself, he felt uneasy, stomach twisting with the all to familiar pang of anxiety. The threats had been no joke, he could see that now as he saw security guards on every level. He was worried, sue him. He loved his members, and was known to have a bit of a soft spot for them, especially the maknae line. A noise of suprise caught his attention as he walked off stage, turning to look at a staff bowing to one of the cordi noonas, however he felt something was odd, as if the staff didn't quite fit his position. Yoongi's thoughts were soon forgotten as he tripped on one of the stairs, Namjoon barely catching him in his own panic.
   "Hyung, are you okay." He eyed Hosoek warily. "Yeah, just spaced out for a moment there," Yoongi said in reply, slightly smiling at the younger rappers. "Yoongi hyung we don't need another Jeonggukkie, he already looses his train off thought more often then Namjoon-ah breaks things." Yoongi smirked at that, a fond look emerging on his face as he thought of their youngest member. Sure, Jeongguk didn't look like the youngest at first glance. He was muscular and quiet, even a bit timid at times, however, with his cute little bunny smile, the members could all see how young he really was, and all grew a protective streak a mile high, one that happened to increase over the years, especially after they had found out about a certain incident with an abusive manager a few years ago.
   As if he was listening in on his hyung's thoughts, the youngest came bouncing over, glowing with a bright smile that turned slightly mischievous as he stared straight at Yoongi. "Hyung, are you sure you got enough sleep, cause you totally fell down the stairs 3 feet from the ground like an old man." The youngest cackled, laughing even more at the glare on Yoongi's face. "Cut him some slack Gukkie, 3 feet is a lot for our short hyung over here," "Yah you brats!" Hoseok and Jungkook laughed even harder, eventually walking away in search of food, leaving Namjoon and Yoongi standing near the stairs. "Don't worry hyung, it's not like you'll shrink anymore than you already have." Yoongi, in favor of protecting his self esteem, just glared at Namjoon. "At least I don't spend money on glasses I know I'm just going to break," He deadpans.

Walking back to the dressing rooms, Yoongi through one more glance in the direction of the strange man. He just hoped everyone would be alright.

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