Sure, it was going to be overwatered a bit, maybe a whole lot, but according to the weather people, the temperatures were supposed to drop. Overwatering he was sure he could help the plant come back from, but frostbite? It was sure to die. He wasn’t going to let Jimin’s gift die.

Yoongi grabbed his raincoat and slid it on, quickly. He was positive he had brought the Vinca minor inside. He had taken all his other plants into his greenhouse, so why hadn’t he taken the Vinca minor? Yoongi glared at his warning which was still stuck to his back door. He tore it off and threw the door open, dashing out into the rain. He stopped as he came a few steps away from the last step, his head whirling around as he tried to figure out exactly where he had left the Vinca minor.

He took a few steps to the left then to the right. Left again. No, no, right, he had put it to the right. Or was it left? What was he out here for again? Yoongi spun around, unsure of where the plant was sitting or if he was even looking for a plant. The rain had only gotten worse since Yoongi had come outside. He could barely see more than six inches in front of him and it felt like he was being hit with a sharp stick every time the rain hit him.

Yoongi took a deep breath only to smell horrid, overly wet Earth and water going up his nose. His black hair was now stuck to his forehead, large tendrils of rain ran across the rest of his face and, more or less, into his eyes, doubling his sight limitation. Where was that darn plant? He could've sworn it was up against the house. By the greenhouse maybe? Was he even looking for a plant? He was, yes, yes, he was. Left? Right? Front? Back? Plant? Not a plant?

His thoughts were tearing him apart. Sobs wracked his body and his tears melded with the harsh rain. He couldn't remember crap and he was soaked and couldn't see, he felt lost and unsure. Even if he wanted to go back inside, there was no way he could, he just couldn't see the door and his memory was of no help.

“Yoongi?” A voice called out to him from somewhere to his left. “Yoongi, are you out here?”

A small figure in a brightly colored raincoat and rain boots with a baby blue umbrella hobbled towards Yoongi. His figure was blurred by the rain slightly and Yoongi could barely tell who it was.

The figure finally became visible and Yoongi sighed in relief, his help had arrived, “Yoongi, you shouldn't be out here. You're going to get sick.” Jimin said worriedly, bringing Yoongi under his umbrella. “Let's get inside, alright?” Jimin wrapped a red scarf around Yoongi's neck and gripped his arm and began pulling him in the direction of the back door.

“No, no, no, it'll freeze, Jimin, it'll freeze.” Yoongi said, pulling away from Jimin and back towards the rain, looking around confusedly.

“What?” Jimin said, trying to keep Yoongi under his umbrella.

Yoongi's head spun around, his eyes squinched, hoping to just catch a glimpse of the Vinca minor. “It'll freeze. It'll freeze. We have to save it.”

“Yoongi, what's “it”?” Yoongi didn't respond and just kept looking around frantically. “Yoongi, please. You aren't making any sense. Let's go inside and we can worry about it after the storm.” Jimin grabbed Yoongi's arm but Yoongi pulled away yet again.

“Jimin, please, help me save it. It'll freeze and die if I leave it for too long. I can't let your gift die.”

Jimin's eyes widened and he grabbed Yoongi, managing to keep a hold of him this time around. He pulled Yoongi over to the right side of the house and only stopped when he was sure the older could see the plant in front of him. Yoongi hugged Jimin's arm, which he had been holding on to, and got down on his knees. He wrapped his arms around the plant pots base and hugged it close to his chest as he lifted it and himself up and back into the cover of Jimin's umbrella. “It's going to be okay, you aren't going to freeze under my watch. We're going inside, see?” Yoongi whispered soothingly to the plant.

Forget Me Not ° Yoonmin✅Where stories live. Discover now