Part 24 - Milk, one sugar

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Sam and Dixie were on the scene of the incident. A teenage boy was on the floor, holding his thigh. He had been stabbed. Sam ran out of the ambulance and immediately put pressure on the wound.

"Hi I'm Sam, I'm a paramedic. What's your name?" She said

"Callum." He said through gritted teeth

"Ok Callum, you're doing well. How old are you?" Sam questioned

"17" He said before tilting his head forward in pain

Dixie came over with a stretcher and equipment. Sam filled her in, "this is Callum, he is 17. Callum can you tell me what happened?"

"I was in a fight with Eddy and his gang. I was protecting myself, he stabbed me, I think I hurt him back. The last thing I remember is him hobbling away" Callum was out of breath

"Right, we are going to take you in sweetheart" Dixie said

Sam bandaged his leg before helping him up on to the stretcher. Dixie drove to Holby where doctors were already waiting, including Dylan.

Sam pushed him through the double doors and gave him the information.

"This is Callum Goodwin, 17. He was defending himself in a fight when he got stabbed. He is tachy and has lost a lot of blood." Sam smiled at Dylan then went back to Dixie

They went to the ambulance where Jeff was putting the kettle on.

"Get two more mugs out Jeffrey!" Dixie laughed

"Milk, one sugar" Sam smirked

"Alright, alright!" Jeff whined

They sat in the staff room, waiting for another call. Norman offered Sam a biscuit, which she took politely.

"Control to 3006" Dixie's walkie-talkie spoke

"3006 to control, reading, over" Dixie spoke back down the machine

"We have an incident on Wyvern Lane. A young male with a stab injury. The caller said he was violent."

"Ok, we're on our way, over" Dixie said

Her and Sam ran to the ambulance.

"Do you think it was the same gang?" Sam asked

"Or the person Callum got? What was his name?" Dixie was thinking

"Eddy." Sam turned to look at Dixie

"Yeah, that's him. We'll see when we get there" Dixie put pedal to the metal

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang