Part 7 - Whispering

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Charlie came into the staff room.

"Sam?" He said

"Uh, yes" Sam lifted her head from her hands

"Dylan is back in resus. And I thought I should let you know, people are whispering" Charlie explained

"Whispering?" Sam questioned

"About your marriage" Charlie left the room and Sam followed him to resus. Charlie was right, people were looking at Sam then whispering but she wasn't ashamed.

Nick was there doing observations.

"Ah Sam. We have the results of the scan" Nick began

"And?" She interrupted

"He has broken his shoulder, 5 ribs and has a crack on his spine. Dr Keogh is also having difficulty breathing but Mr Levy is going to look into that on Keller. We are going to keep him in an induced coma for his own safety and until we know more." Nick put a hand on Sam's shoulder, "I'm sorry"

"No, it's fine. For his safety" Sam looked down to cover the fact she was upset

"I will understand if you need time off. I'm sure you would want to stay with him when he goes up to the ward" Nick smiled

"Yes, please. If that's ok?" Sam wiped a tear

"It's absolutely fine" Nick said before leaving the room

Big Mac came in shortly after.

"I'm taking him up to Keller. Do you want me to take you the private way?" He smiled

"Yes please Mac, he wouldn't want to be seen like this" Sam smiled back

"Ok" he said sincerely

Mac pushed Dylan out of resus and down the private, staff only, corridor. It wasn't long until the doors of Keller were seen and Dylan was taken into a side bay.

Sam sat on the chair next to the bed and looked up when she heard a knock. It was Zoe so she beckoned her in.

"Hi Sam" She smiled

"Hi" Sam greeted her back

"I heard know" Zoe said

"Us being married. I'm not ashamed of it. I don't know why everyone is reacting like this" Sam crossed her arms

"It's just, you both never said anything and Dylan, he completely denied that he knew you. We were all confused that you were covering this up. I for one am really happy for you, and Dylan." Zoe explained

"Thank you" Sam smiled

"I'll leave you two. Get well soon Dr Keogh!" Zoe raised her voice, winked, then left the room

Sam got up and sat on Dylan's bed. She burst into tears. She had been staying strong all day and just couldn't keep it together anymore. Sam leaned down and hugged Dylan whilst crying into his shoulder.

"I love you" she whispered into his ear

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