Part 10 - Do my business

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Sacha and Dom walked over. They had smiles on their faces so what they had to say was bound to be good.

"Good afternoon Dr Keogh, Dr Nicholls" Sacha beamed

"Hi, is everything ok?" Sam replied

"Yes, it is. Dylan you can go home now, we just need to get you a wheelchair. You can carry on with trying to walk at home." Sacha grinned

"How long will it take him to walk?" Sam asked

"The only reason he can walk is because it's painful, he can walk right now if he was painless. Sometimes he may need the chair, sometimes he might not" Sacha said

"He should be able to stop using the wheelchair in about a fortnight" Dom added

"Thank you" Sam said

Dom and Sacha walked back to the nurses station and Dylan and Sam got their stuff packed. Dylan put himself into the wheelchair then Sam gave him a big bag, full of his belongings, on his lap.

"Gentleman, start your engines!" Sam impersonated

"Broom broom" Dylan said sarcastically, "come on, I want to go" He looked up at Sam

"Ok" she smirked

Sam pushed Dylan out of the hospital and through the city. They reached the harbour as the sun began to set. They got on the boat, greeted Dervla, then got Dylan comfy on the bed. Sam moved the TV into the bedroom then sat beside Dylan on the bed.

"You won't even need to move!" Sam smiled, "well unless you need the bathroom"

"No, you said I won't need to move, so I'll just do my business right here" Dylan joked

"Eww!" Sam pulled a face before turning the TV on and putting on a movie.

Dylan had his arm resting by his side with his palm facing up. Sam put down the remote then dropped her arm. Her hand landed in Dylan's and there was a moment of silence. Dylan made the first move by holding it, and Sam copied knowing he wasn't about to freak out. She then leaned her head on his shoulder, testing how far he would go. She smiled as he rested his head by the side of hers.

The movie played at the end of the small cabin. Comforting blankets laid on top of them and fairy lights dangled above them. Dylan reached over and shut the tiny red curtains. The night was perfect and Sam felt that Dylan had let her back again.

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat