Part 12 - Very smooth

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A few weeks later, Dylan is feeling much better. Today is his and Sam's first day back at work. They got out of Dylan's car and walked up to the ED with their arms linked.

"I've missed this place" Dylan said

"I still haven't got used to it, I only did a few shifts before the accident" Sam looked around

"Love you" Dylan said

Sam paused for a minute, Dylan has never said that first, "I love you too" she smiled as they entered the doors of the ed

Noel pointed at them and then everyone turned around and cheered. This was the first time Dylan smiled at work.

Fletch patted him on the back then realised what he had done, "ooops! Sorry Dr K!"

Everyone laughed before Nick walked down the stairs and told everyone to get back to work.

"Good to have you back Dylan" Nick smiled, "my door is always open, for both of you" he winked then walked on

Sam and Dylan went to the staff room to get ready for the shift.

"Right, new rules!" Sam bellowed

"What?" Dylan whined

"You're not going out with the paramedics unless your requested" Sam said

"Fine, but only if you buy me a drink tonight" Dylan closed his locker, put on his stethoscope and turned to stare at Sam

"Oh that was smooth Keogh, very smooth!" Sam laughed

Dylan winked and left the room leaving Sam to get changed into her scrubs.

Tess and Charlie were at the nurses station in the middle of the ed.

"Great to have you back Dr Keogh!" Tess cheered

"Yes, if you need anything..." Charlie began

"Yes, thank you. I appreciate it but I just want things to be..." Dylan paused to think of the right word

Sam filled in the gap and finished his sentence by saying "normal"

"Yeah, no special treatment" Dylan nodded his head then went over to an incoming patient

Norman wheeled him into resus, quickly followed by Dylan, Sam, Charlie and Fletch.

"He's arrested!" Sam shouted

Dylan started doing compressions and Sam was controlling the defibrillator. Charlie was injecting medicines and Fletch was getting samples.

"Clear! Shocking!" Sam called

Dylan kept compressing.

"Dylan it's not working" Sam said after the fourth shock

"Hold on" Dylan said

Sam, Charlie and Fletch stared blankly at Dylan. The silence in the room was broken by the sound of a heart rate on the monitor.

"Bingo!" Dylan smirked

"Well done mate!" Fletch cheered

Dylan walked out feeling quite smug. He looked back to see Sam mouthing "very smooth", he smiled and kept walking.

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now