Part 23 - About that...

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Dylan woke up and walked into the kitchen. Sam was already in there, drinking some orange juice.

"Hey" She said sweetly

"Morning. How are you?" Dylan smiled

"I'm fine. It's my first day back today!" Sam was excited

"Yes, I'll see if we can work together" Dylan suggested

"About that, I want to be a paramedic and Zoe said there was two spots available." Sam tilted her head

"I'm happy for you but if you suggesting I take the other spot...I don't think that's going to happen" Dylan raised an eyebrow and began to walk out

"How come?" Sam said, following him to the car

"Sam, it's dangerous! And I'm a boring consultant who hardly steps from his comfort zone." Dylan said as he stepped off the boat

"Ok" Sam accepted it

Dylan drove to work with Sam by his side.

"Be careful please" Dylan said

"I will. Jeff and Dixie have looked after me before." Sam put a comforting hand on his thigh

"Yeah, I know. But the way our luck has been, I still want to marry you." Dylan spoke quickly

"Dylan, we will get married" Sam smiled

"I love you" Dylan faced Sam

"I love you too" Sam leaned in and they kissed before getting out of the car.

Sam walked around to the ambulance station and Dylan walked into the ED.

Dylan went to his locker to get his stethoscope and name badge. He stood, staring for a moment with the unignorable since that something wasn't right.

Sam walked in to the ambulance station with a skip in her step.

"Hey Dixie, where do you want me?" She asked

"With me. We have just got a call so quickly get changed and we will go. Jeff is with Norman on another call out." Dixie smiled

Sam ran into the locker room and got changed into the green uniform. She hot footed it back out and jumped into the ambulance.

"Come on kid, let's go!" Dixie grinned

Sam mimicked that grin as they pulled onto the road.

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now