Part 22 - Diary

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Dylan went to work which left Sam on the boat. She searched for a book to read to pass the time. Dylan's bookshelf was full of books to do with medicine, boats and dogs. That was all but one in fact. The book on the end, nearest to the bed was a plain, black, leather book. She picked it up and looked at the first page.

It read, 'Dylan's diary, aged 12'. Sam sat down on the sofa and read the first page.

'Dad went mad at me again today. He said I'm not normal, I'm a freak. Mum said to ignore him but he keeps saying it every time he drinks. I'm scared. I'm scared that he will use more than words to hurt me next time.'

Sam wiped a tear from her eye, he had never said anything about this before. She then flicked through the pages which got more and more violent. The diary stopped when Dylan was aged 14 and his Dad walked out.

Sam flicked through more pages and discovered that Dylan started writing when they were first together.

'She's gone to the army now. I can't deny that I don't like the sound of silence over the sound of slammed doors but I miss her. I have nobody now, apart from Derv. Honestly, I've been crying for days, like I did when I was about 14. They make fun of me at work because I don't have friends. But if they knew everything, they wouldn't go there.'

Sam tried to figure out what that meant, then the door opened.

"I'm back" Dylan's voice filled the silence

He walked in and looked at Sam.

"What's up?" He asked

"I found your diary" Sam gulped


"What did you mean by, if they knew everything they wouldn't go there?" Sam questioned

"If they knew what my dad did to me. I didn't write about the worst, in case he found the diary. He was brutal" Dylan explained

"A freak" Sam looked at Dylan

"He did all he could to make my life a misery. And it worked. He made me not recognise myself and how are you supposed to make friends when you have bruises and cuts all over you" Dylan reflected

"I didn't know it was that bad" Sam said

"Nobody did, not even mum" Dylan said, "I was told he died, so I'm free of all that now. And I've got you, what more could I want?"

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