Part 11 - My idiot

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Sam woke up and looked over to Dylan who was already looking at her.

"Morning" He said quite abruptly

"Good morning" she smiled and rolled over to face him

"I must've missed the end of that movie" Dylan raised an eyebrow

"Me too" Sam smirked

"Even though I missed the end of the movie I think last night was one of the best nights I've had" Dylan sat up, then looked down at Sam

Sam sat up too, "Yeah, it was sweet and simple but cosy" she leaned in to kiss Dylan and he kissed her back

"So, Dr Nicholls, what's for breakfast?" Dylan smiled

"Hmm, some good old fashioned beans on toast" Sam got up and walked to the kitchen

Dylan winced as he turned to put up his pillows.

"Are you ok?" Sam called

"Yeah" Dylan said, obviously in pain

"I'll get you your pills after you've had something to eat" Sam said

Dylan had time to think as Sam was out in the kitchen. He thought about his feelings, especially his feeling for her. Then he thought about forgiveness and what Sam was already doing to help him. In his head he has forgiven her, but his body language suggests otherwise.

Sam came in with a tray in her hands. On top of the tray was Dylan's breakfast and a glass of water with the tablets resting next to it.

"Thank you" Dylan said before eating

Sam went out again and made herself a smoothie.

"Am I forgiven yet?" Sam asked

"Umm, close" Dylan hesitated

"Dylan!" Sam whined

"Fine!" Dylan said as Sam walked back into the bedroom, "On one condition"

"What?" Sam rolled her eyes

"That things don't change" Dylan said

"What do you mean?" Sam questioned

"Things, between us. Right now it's perfect and if I forgive you I don't want things to go back to the arguments and the door slamming." Dylan explained

"It will never be like that again Dylan, do you know why?" Sam looked at him

Dylan looked back at her and said, "because I fixed the doors?"

"No, silly. Because I love you!" Sam smiled

"But I did do a good job with the doors though, didn't I?" Dylan joked

"You're an idiot" Sam laughed

"Your idiot!" Dylan laughed

"Yep, my idiot" Sam smirked, "now take your pills, anyone would think you are becoming normal"

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz