Part 13 - Bottoms up!

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As promised, Sam took Dylan to the pub after their shift. Again, they were cheered in when they walked through the door. Dylan smiled and sat down, Sam sat next to him. Nick brought drinks to the pair.

"Ooo thank you!" Sam said

"You didn't have to" Dylan said

"Well I did so bottoms up!" Nick smiled

Dylan gave in and took a sip.

"Where's the karaoke!?" Charlie piped up

A guy from behind the bar set up the machine. All of the staff were in giggles fuelled by bubbles. Even Dylan was chuckling.

"Me first!" Fletch announced

He tripped up the step on to the platform where the microphone was.

"One two three, testing, testing" He laughed and so did the ed staff

The music played and it was 'living on a payer' by Bonjovi. Of course, Fletch went all out to deafen everyone in the pub.

"Wooooah! We're half way there! Woooooooah! Living on a prayer!!" He shouted down the microphone

Next, Tess dragged Zoe and Charlie up. They sang 'don't stop me now' by Queen. The trio were surprisingly good considering the amount they have already had to drink. 

Then the chants from Dylan started.

"Go on Dylan!" Tess said

"I'll go with you" Sam offered

"Come on Dr Keogh" Nick said

"Fine." Dylan huffed, he took Sam's hand and brought her up too

The pair were quite obviously drunk. Sam couldn't stand straight and Dylan was sleepy.

"By the way I don't sing" Dylan said

"He only talks the words!" Sam laughed

"Um, right, here we go" Dylan scratched his head

The sound of 'I wanna dance with somebody' by Whitney Houston played through the speakers.

"I only know the chorus!" Dylan said to Sam

"Just sing that then!" Sam smiled and began to sing

There was a break in the song where only music was playing. Sam grabbed hold on Dylan's hands and started dancing around the stage. Dylan had no choice but to give in and dance with her. Ooo he sing ended and Dylan and Sam embraced.

"Can we go home now?" Dylan whined

"Yeah" Sam smiled

They left the pub and got a taxi back to the harbour. The pair then collapsed on the bed. Sam kissed Dylan on the cheek then he turned over and kissed her back.

"Goodnight" Dylan said as he snuggled down next to Sam

"Goodnight Dylan" Sam said and put an arm around him then they fell asleep.

Dylan and Sam - Unexpected FeelingsWhere stories live. Discover now