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*Chris' POV*


I stormed downstairs, and paced the living room, thinking about what she'd done. She was so aggravating sometimes! Why was she so caught up on mine and Carlie's past? The past is the past, she was my future. She was carrying my baby. How could she question my love for her? I couldn't take this anymore. I slammed my fist against the wall and let out a scream.

"Christopher! What is wrong with you?" My mother came rushing into the room as I sat on the couch. My knuckles were bleeding now.

"She is so fucking aggravating! She won't let this Carlie thing go! She's beginning to question our bond, do you know what could happen to her if she does that?! She is not another Carlie!" I yelled, putting my face into my hands.

"Christopher, what did you say to her?" She asked, giving me that skeptical mother tone.

"She took off the stone I gave her. When she started asking questions, I just lost it. She said that she wasn't gonna be second in line for the bullshit. I yelled at her. I called her second in line. Then I slammed the door and came down here." I sighed.

"Christopher Thomas Cerulli!" My mom scolded. "You go up there right now and apologize to that girl!"

"Mom, she does not want to talk to me right now. And quite frankly, I don't think it's a good idea."

"Well, I'm going upstairs to make sure she's alright. You, on the other hand, need to think about what you've done." She stood and began making her way upstairs. Before she could get there, we heard my sister scream.

"Mom! Chris!" She sounded panicked. I quickly stood and raced up the stairs. The screaming came from my room. I rushed in to see Kolfinna, motionless, on the floor. My sister looked at me, her eyes scared. "I heard her suck in air and then something hit the floor. When I knocked, she didn't answer. And when I opened the door, she was just laying here." I raced over and moved my sister out of the way. Kolfinna's wrists were slit in long horizontal gashes. The blood was pooled around her.

"Damn it Kolfinna, don't do this.." I swore, grabbing her arms. I sank my fangs into her flesh, and hoped she pulled through okay.

*Kolfinna's POV*

I allowed the darkness to consume me. I couldn't live like this. Knowing day after day, I wasn't the one for him. I had laid a hand on my growing stomach and decided, I'd rather die by my own hand than at the hand of Lucien. As I hit the floor and I was blinded by darkness, I heard a voice. It was faint at first.

"Kolfinna?" It whispered. I just laid there, confused. The voice was feminine and innocent. But the voice quickly grew into a shriek. "Mom! Chris!" It pained me to hear his name. I tried lifting my eyelids, but I couldn't. "I heard her suck in air and then something hit the floor. When I knocked, she didn't answer. And when I opened the door, she was just laying here." She was talking to someone. I tried to make out the voice, but everything around me was morphed. Suddenly, my arms were taken into the grasp of two large hands. I wanted to sneer at the pain, but I couldn't. I didn't have to think twice about who was holding me. I knew those hands front and back. I held those hands in New Orleans, I kissed those knuckles when he was angry, I allowed those hands to touch me like I'd never been touched, I painted those hands. Those were his hands.

"Damn it Kolfinna, don't do this.." A second voice, but this one was masculine. I knew it was his even though it was morphed. I felt his lips first. And then the pain of fangs entering my open flesh. By that time, I was almost unconscious. "You have to pull through. You just have to." His sobs were the last thing I heard before I blacked out completely.

Can Your Heart Still Break If It's Already Stopped Beating? (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant