Blood Bond

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"Excuse me?" Lucien boomed. I stared up at him, a smirk dancing on my lips. For once, I had the upper hand.

"You don't take me for a fool do you Lucien?" I asked, raising my arm out to the men before me. "All of these men have mates. They practically ooze their scent. Their mates are sitting in the crowd for fucks sake!" I shouted, motioning towards the crowd. I walked off the stage and made my way down the runway, collecting people. "You." I beckoned towards a petite blonde. "Stand with the last male." She nodded, making her way up the stage. "You, you, and you." One girl was really tall with purple hair, the other was my height with long black hair, and the third was small with short black hair. I told them who to stand in front of. Lastly I go a girl with loads of tattoos and caramel brown hair. "You in front of the first male." I walked back up to the stage and spoke directly to Lucien. "Tell me these women are not mated to them." His face burned with anger. I had beat him.

"You still don't know who your mate is. You haven't chose." He countered.

"Oh really?" I walked back down the isle, stopping in the middle and closing my eyes, taking a deep breath in. That's when it hit me like a bullet. My eyes turned a pale shade of emerald green and I immediately knew who he was. My eyes focused onto him and I glided over, taking his hand, causing him to raise to his feet. He had to have been about 6'2, a foot taller than I am myself. His hair was short and black, shaved underneath. He wore a nicely black tailored suit and leather gloves. His eyes were a deep brown, but shown a pale emerald when he looked down at me. "This is my mate, Lucien." I declared with confidence. I knew this man was my mate, though I didn't know him.

Lucien was almost red with anger, his fingers digging into the plush of his throne. "You have passed your submissive test Kolfinna. You two will now come up and complete the ceremony." He spoke through gritted teeth. We walked up to the stage and Onyx handed me an opal handled knife, the ceremonial knife. I took my mate's hand in mine and made a long cut though his palm. He did not wince at pain. The blood ran quickly and I pressed his hand to my mouth, licking the freshly made wound clean. I pulled back and the cut healed from my saliva, then I handed the knife over to my mate.

He bent over me and whispered, "I'm sorry", before cutting my hand and pressing it to his mouth. I refused to flinch, I didn't acknowledge his apologies. He was a stranger to me. A stranger that would now be with me for eternity.

"The act has been complete, our Kolfinna finally has her mate." Lucien sounded, raising his chalice. Everyone stood and cheered. But not me. Not my mate. Not the five men in front of us, nor the five women. I crossed my arms over my chest, just now realizing how exposed I was to these people. Not seconds later, a suit jacket was being draped over my shoulders. My mate had taken off his jacket and covered me with it. I slid my arms in the sleeves and buttoned it up quickly, not even thanking him. I just wanted to go home.

Chris in his suit to the side ---------->

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