Du Hast Mich Gefragt, Und Ich Hab Nichts Gesagt

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It was only three days. A three day wait until I was eternally bound to my mate. Those three days passed by in warped speed. It was now May 13th, around 8:27 pm. I dressed in the garb Lucien had sent and looked myself over in the mirror. This was not me. My breasts pushed taught against the sheer fabric, the studs in my nipples catching light and shining in specific places. I snarled at the thought of Lucien looking me over, his eyes wondering much too far for my liking. I gripped my rosary close to my chest, hoping I passed my final test. I wouldn't live as one of Lucien's many concubines. I'd rather kill myself first. I placed a white wolf fur coat over the garment, and began my way to the Council's ceremony grounds.

By the time I had made it to the grounds, it was 11:32 pm. I was greeted at the gates by Onyx, the youngest Council member. She would be two hundred and ten years old this spring in vampire years. In human years, she was about eight. She was a tiny black haired child with pale violet eyes.

"You look lovely. No doubt Lucien chose your garment." she beamed, reaching up to grasp my cold hand in hers. She gave me an encouraging smile and led me to the old manner. We didn't speak the whole way there. We rounded a corner and came upon a large black mahogany door, which slowly creaked open. We both stood for a moment before Onyx took my coat from me, then proceeded to shove me into the room. I stumbled into the room and reared back, only to hiss at Onyx for her actions. Suddenly, lights shown down on me and a heavy masculine voice boomed throughout the room.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Kolfinna, you know that you mustn't act so crude in front of your mate." Lucien spoke. I looked up, and there he was in all his glory. Lucien sat draped over his throne, his long black hair hanging loose at his waist. His nude, battle scarred body was enough to make me gag. I took in the rest of my surroundings. Five men, suitors, all lined up on the stage in front of me. An audience of important vampires, hundreds of them. "This is your test. Only one of these men is your mate. Choose wisely." Lucien spoke, obvious boredom lacing his voice. I walked over to the men and decided to start with the first one. Mohawk, giant plugs.

"Breathe out." I whispered close to his face. He breathed out and I took in his smell. Dusky, no spark. I moved onto the next suitor and ordered him the same. About my height, smells of menthol. No spark. Next. Feminine looking features, smells of violet. No spark. Next, long hair and a nose ring. Smelled of mint. No spark. Last one. Long hair, five o'clock shadow. Smells of vanilla bean, no spark.

I turned back around and looked up at Lucien. He smiled.

"Think you know which one is your mate?" He asked.

"Yes." I smiled triumphantly. "But its none of these men."

Hello lovelies! Du Hast Motionless Cover to the side! ------------>

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