{F I V E}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

[A/N: Listen to "Anchor" by Novo Amor now!]

I turned around the key in the apartment lock and opened up the door. I practically ran to the grandfather's clock and slammed my hand on it.

A flash of images came into my head and I had to step away from the clock. That was fucking fast. I breathed in deeply, closed my eyes and put my hand on it again.

This time I could focus more. The images came a lot slower, now, that I assessed every image one by one. They disappeared into the dark once I looked closer.

The first one had three silhouettes walking down a street. The surroundings were grey and unfamiliar to me. The silhouettes had thick white coats on and were very blurry. Likely, because the image was unfocused. But I could make out hairstyles pretty well. One of them had long platinum blonde hair. It reached them to its chest. The one in the middle had them up in a slightly shorter ponytail and had the same hair color. The one on the far left side was a little more away and had unruly shortish hair that reached it to its ears. It had the color of light blond. Maybe they were The Wise? I couldn't know since I never saw them. But I suppose they looked like this.

The second one brought out a flash of light blonde hair and striking blue eyes look right at me. I gasped a little. That was too close. I almost lost focus because of that spooky image. The person seemed to be the one from the left from the first image. Now I could definitely see that it had male features and looked intensely into my eyes. Like it looked right into my soul. But I guess I'm just imagining the intensity.

The third one had a tear fall down from a cheek but I couldn't make out whose cheek it was. The background was a solid black and the person was, like in the second image, very close. The lighting was very soft and harsh simultaneously. It was weird.

The fourth one had someone on their knees and their back was turned on me. They looked really upset and defeated. In front of them was another person who had a white robe on. Their feet were naked and it seemed like little black dots were on them. Like markings. But I couldn't be sure since they were a little far away.

The fifth one had a copper haired person sit on their knees and not move at all. They started falling down forward and I could see it was Aria. But I didn't know why. Or what was causing it. I had a sinking feeling in my chest. I reached out with my other hand in hopes of stopping the fall but I couldn't get to her.

The images stopped abruptly and I took my hand away. I fell down on the edge of the couch and started breathing deeply. Such visions can take away a lot of energy. This was a strong vision. I could feel it pulling away every string of energy I had.

Good thing I got out of the pull.

I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. Taking a cup from the cupboard I thought about the person that looked me straight into my eyes. Who might that be? Why did he look at me like this? What could be the reason that he had to look at me like this?

I put the cup under the sink and filled it up with water. Cold, refreshing water that poured down my sore throat. I didn't realize I had a dry mouth up until now. I sighed loudly and put the cup back on the counter. But the second I put it there I picked it up and put it in the dish washer. No clutter anymore. Looks clean this way.

I walked back to the couch and thought about the girl that sat next to her in the emergency room. What if she is with her? It's not uncommon for Angels to be in love with the same sex. So, what if they were? What is this feeling in me? Why am I even questioning her relationship status? That doesn't make sense to me at all.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts and stretched out my legs. Putting my arms behind my head I closed my eyes and tried to rest for a while. These thoughts were ruthless. Swarming in my mind like a carousel of little devils trying to disrupt my attempt at a nap.

But rest aside, I have to contact her in some way. She has to know that I want to talk to her. Maybe I could use the mirror later? Let's see.

Four hours later, I woke up with a slightly more rested body. I tried sitting up and groaned loudly since I didn't move for four hours. The couch was small in comparison to my width and height. Even though it was comfortable I couldn't move around like I would in my bed. But I was too tired to haul myself over there and sleep under my bed sheets.

Stretching my legs and my arms, I walked over to the counter and took out a cup from the cupboard. My mouth got dry again and I chugged some water to make it better again.

Then I made my way to the mirror that was as big as me and had a silver frame to it. It had unusual carvings on it that for the human eye looked like small swirls or small circles. For the Angel eye though, it shimmered and glittered and moved a little. It was a very beautiful mirror and honestly every Angel could make it with a common mirror.

Just put your hand on the frame and focus. That's would be it. You'd have a communication gadget. Congratulations.

I put my hand on the edge and said Aria's name. And then I said "Hvor er du?"

The mirror showed me a dark room lit with small lights. I looked closer to make sure I have the right person and soon enough the male nurse from before pulled away the curtain. Aria was lying there.

I slowly stepped into the mirror since it wobbled a little when I touched it at first. It indicates an invisible portal that only Angels could see. But we always looked translucent, like a ghost. It confuses first-timers, but they eventually get used to it.

"Sky?", Aria said all of a sudden.

The male nurse said something back to her but I didn't pay attention. I focused on her. She looked a little better, healthier even. This made me brighten up a little.

Aria then looked over at me after the conversation finished and I pointed to my head three times.

Did he mean that Daryl was dumb?

No, I meant we can talk telepathically. I replied to her monologue in her mind.

"What?", Aria said again. I slightly shook my head and chuckled. Good thing nobody heard me. Humans can't in the first place, but if Aria had heard me she would've been in trouble.



Why didn't you tell me before then?

I didn't have to. I thought I could tell it to you some other time. But looks like we gotta hurry up.

Why hurry up? What are you hiding from me? Why are you even here? And why not in person?

I'll tell you but we have to be talking this personally in my home. Meet me there when you can.

Okay. I'll ask when I can get out. Wait a little.

I disappeared then. I got really exhausted. I quickly stepped out of the mirror and found myself back in my room. Slumping my shoulders that got really heavy I threw myself on the couch.

Then suddenly my doorbell rang. I brought my head up confused. Who could this be?

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