{B E T R A Y A L}

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Azriel sat in his wooden chair and held his hand over his face in exhaustion.

"What do you mean? He said 'No'?", he asked Rahab in a stern voice. He looked at him sitting on the other side of the room and covering his profile in the dark. Rahab knew not to mess with his anger.

"He just said 'No'! I told him that we'll come chasing after him. And after every other Imbecile that refused to go with us.", Rahab said very fast. He wanted to get out of Azriel's sight as soon as possible.

"Good. We're gonna chase after him and kick his ass into the ground were it should be.", Azriel said. His knuckles already turned white. The chair made creaky noises and splintered at few places.

Rahab looked at him in terror and ran for his life. Seconds later the wooden chair was on the other side of the room, exploding into a million pieces. The area around the place it hit turned to a hot white glowing substance. It melted the materials around and under it immediately and turned it into a silvery shine that glittered in a million different directions.

Rahab looked back into the room and held his body out of shot. Only his head looked out of the door and even that is partly covered to not be a target for Azriel.

Azriel's eyes turned to glowing white irises. They returned to its silver color once the anger was depleting.

"We need to find out what is going on with Rem. He wouldn't just leave us for nothing.", Azriel said and looked to the floor like he is looking for the answer on the wood plates.

"Rahab. Prepare yourself. We need to be ready for a long journey.", he said and looked around the room, "Rahab?"

"I'm here.", Rahab said and waved with his hand in the air but his body still remained covered from possible hits.

"Why are you hiding?", Azriel asked confused.

"You know exactly why. Your temper is unpredictable and I don't wanna be the target for your blasts.", Rahab said and stepped out a little.

"I wouldn't hurt you, you know that.", Azriel said and looked at Rahab like he can't believe what he just heard.

"I'm just afraid. Since we are The Angels of Destruction I get a little scared of your temper.", Rahab said, "maybe it's just the nerves."

"I hope it's just the nerves. I am your mate. I don't wanna scare you."

"I'm sorry. I am very nervous.", Rahab said and came out completely.

"Come here.", Azriel said and took him into his arms. He held tight and kissed his hair tenderly. He rubbed Rahab's back gently. "Is this better?", Azriel said and smiled at Rahab.

"A little, thanks.", Rahab said.

Azriel smiled at him. Turned him around and lightly pushed him to the door.

"Now, pack up. We're going down on Earth soon.", he said and got serious again. He turned around and sat back on the chair next to the one he threw away.

"Wait until I come, Rem. You just wait.", Azriel mumbled under his breath and smirked devilishly.

He stood up again and disappeared into the next room. His cloak was flapping about and he was gone.


"So", Azriel said and folded his hands in front of him. "This is Earth."

He looked around and everything was in white. He saw trees looking like skeletons and streets wearing the white armor that was spread over it. Weird gadgets that had four wheels had white hats and had blurry shields. Houses were looking cold and dark. No lights were turned on, no sounds came out of the buildings.

A human being that was small all of a sudden ran toward them but didn't see them. The human crashed into Azriel. He remained put and looked down at the human. It looked scared.

"I'm sorry.", it said.

"You should be.", Azriel said with a cold voice that brought chills down Rahab's back.

Azriel touched the human being's head and watched it roll it's eyes back. It closed its eyes and collapsed to the ground. The human stopped breathing momentarily.

"Why did you do that, Azriel?", Rahab asked him.

"The human came in my way. I had to get rid of it.", Azriel said and looked confused.

"But-", Rahab started but got interrupted by Azriel.

"No buts, Rahab. You know we came to destroy. Not to give mercy.", Azriel tried reminding him.

"Yeah. I guess. The human was innocent though. Didn't you feel it's pure energy?", Rahab asked him carefully.

"No. I didn't feel it. I didn't need to. It was in my way.", Azriel said and started walking along the street.

Rahab shook his head behind him and silently followed him. He looked at the houses and the street lamps. He watched a scared squirrel look at him and smiled at it. It quickly ran up a tree and hid in a hole it had.

Azriel suddenly stopped walking and raised his hand next to him to make Rahab stop in his tracks. Rahab listened closely and watched Azriel carefully.

"Can you hear that?", Azriel asked, but Rahab couldn't hear anything else but the wind swaying the trees.

"No, what should I hear?", Rahab asked him carefully again. He could explode again for all he knew.

"The whispers. The scared whispers.", Azriel said and stepped forward slowly.

"No. No whispers for me.", Rahab answered his question.

"Well, that's because you are stupid.", Azriel said and walked a little quicker again. He put his hand down again and didn't look back at Rahab, who looked shocked. He never said that to him.

"What?", Rahab said and remained in his place.

"I said, because you are stupid. Now come along. Don't waste my precious time.", Azriel repeated with more urgency this time.

"What did you just say?", Rahab said. He felt his chest hurt and his eyes well up.

"Are you deaf or something? Come along now.", Azriel said, still walking straight ahead not turning around to look over at Rahab.

Rahab felt abandoned. He felt betrayed. Manipulated even. Who is this man?

"Rahab. I said come on. What is taking you so long?", Azriel said and turned around this time.

Rahab stood there looking at Azriel. His tears streaming down his face in hurt.

Azriel chuckled coldly. "Who knew you are a soft person? Pathetic.", Azriel said and laughed in a chilling way. He turned around again and walked on.

 This is not Azriel, or is he? Was he tricking me this whole time? Was he faking his attraction to me? But I felt the gush of wind, I felt the electricity, I felt-

"Okay. Then stay there. I don't need you anyway. I never did.", Azriel said louder since he is about 200 meters in front of him now.

Okay. That's it. I need to do something. I need to stop Azriel. I don't care if I go against my nature, I have to stop this mad man. He shouldn't have killed that human being. He shouldn't have killed that innocent, pure energy. But he did. He did and felt no remorse for it. He should be stopped.

I need a plan. Where is Rem when you need him?

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