{C O N T A I N E D}

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The person repeated themselves again. As if Aria didn't hear what they said.

"I am Azriel, I said. Are you even hearing me?", they said.

"Oh, I can hear you loud and clear, Angel of Destruction.", Aria said back, she didn't lift her head. She refused to look into their eyes.

"So, why aren't you looking at me? Didn't your mommy and your daddy show you manners? Shouldn't you be a lady to a gentleman?", Azriel said taunting her with slow drawled out words. He put his finger under her chin and lifted her head slightly. A blinding light hit her and closed her eyes even more. Her hands still behind her, hidden in the shadows of her body, tried to make room to perform.

"This is way better, isn't it?", Azriel said and tilted his head to the side.

"Believe me, if I say, it really is better than before.", Aria said and opened her eyes.

Azriel looked distraught. He stepped back and looked like he has seen a ghost.

Aria was still looking at him. She followed his every move. Behind her a glowing light began to shine and flickered gently.

"Wha-what are you doing? What is the meaning of this?", Azriel said and still looked at her. He quickly walked around her to look at the source of the light. A hand shot out and stopped him from walking any further. Azriel screamed in agony and looked like he was in pain.

The Angel of Destruction was in pain.

The kneeling Angels looked over at them. They curiously watched their exchange happen in front of them and moved their heads around to signal the other's that aren't wathing to look at the situation before them. All of them watched with a dedication and attention that only a well-written and well-produced movie can get.

"I would advice you to free them before you experience more pain, Azriel.", Aria threatened with a low but steady voice.

"Never in a million years. I need them for my wo-", Azriel stumbled but screamed in agony again. Aria has clawed her way into his clothes and reached his skin by now.

"If you want to live, I am not gonna ask you again. Free them. All of them.", Aria asked again with a distaste laced in her voice that could cut ice. She looked into his eyes and furrowed her eyebrows like she is waiting for an answer or an action.

"Are you cr-", Azriel said but got interrupted by his agonizing cry. He collapsed to the floor and clutched his stomach where there was blue dust and a blackish-blue residue on his white cloak.

"What did you do to me?", Azriel said and coughed like he had smoke in his lungs. He couldn't stop coughing.

"I gave you a taste of your own medicine.", Aria said and stood up, "unless you free them your going to feel a lot worse." She said with a head tilt. Azriel was about to answer her demand, but got interrupted by her again. "I am warning you. I don't judge people. I am not a person to judge nor to practice justice outside of law, but since you killed the law I am going to have to take over from now on.", she reminded him, "choose wisely, Azriel. This is not a game."

Azriel opened his mouth but what made her decision was what he said in her head:

"I killed many, what difference does it make now?"

She brought her hands in front of her and let the flames take over her whole body. She inhaled a deep breath and let the energy be transformed into a blue bubble made of flames. The light that shone on her flickered heavily and there were sparks around her flicking off of her arms. The blue bubble hovered above Azriel's head and swayed up and down.

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