{L U N A T I C S}

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[Aria's P.O.V.]

I couldn't believe it. Two men, who I know close to nothing about, are going to end my life.

Overwhelming thoughts entered my mind and I tried to shake them off, but since my doom is near I couldn't just pretend that everything's fine.

"I should go.", I said. I looked at the floor as if it's the most interesting exhibit in a museum about floors.

"Yeah, you need to rest. I'm sorry, that you had to get all of the information this way. And then the looming doom over our heads - I'm very sorry, you got sucked into this world.", Sky apologized to me. I looked at him, confused, about his apology.

"Are you kidding me? Without you I wouldn't have found out where I am from, what my family history is, fuck, I wouldn't even have an Angel friend - sorry, two friends", I quickly said and looked over at Rem. He just nodded in acknowledgement. "-and I am eternally grateful for that. But the way this information turned out has just worn me out. Like, I am a cloth that got beaten a million times and can't go back to it's former firmness.", I said in comparison.

"Yeah, I can understand. Are you sure that you aren't mad?", Sky asked in concern.

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have known why I had blue wings. If it weren't for you I wouldn't have find out I had found the puzzle piece to my happiness.", I said and smiled at Sky.

He looked at me in confusion. His eyebrows frowned in an adorable way and I smiled at him even brighter.

"It's you, fool.", I said and nudged him, "You are my puzzle piece."

His mouth made an O-shape. I chuckled a little and turned to Rem.

"Rem. I am also grateful for you being honest with us and warning us from our world's worst enemies. Not many people can do this. I am sorry, that Sky couldn't be your mate, but I am sure that you will find someone. It might not be now but it will happen soon. Just believe.", I said sincerely. "Now, I'm gonna go off to my home and you try forming a plan since you know way more about them than I do.", I said and excused myself from them.

They said their goodbye's and I left the house. I looked closer to my surroundings.

My wings shivered a little. I really hope it was the cold since it did get very cold in the last few days. I mean, it snowed for fuck's sake.

I walked carefully on the pavement and looked everywhere more times than necessary just to be cautious. 'Cause normally in movies this is the time the victim gets kidnapped outta nowhere and lands in an abandoned warehouse far away from the city.

I really hoped this short trip didn't get compromised with this awful thought.

The second I stepped into my apartment I sank into my bed.

"Aria? Everything alright?", Sam sad suddenly.

"OH MY GOD, DON'T TAKE ME.", I exclaimed in terror.

"WHOA, WHOA! CALM YOUR TITS, WOMAN!", Sam screamed back, "my head hurts. Geez. You can do a pitch...", she said and put her hands on her ears in pain.

"Oh-I'm sorry. I had a fucked up nightmare yesterday and I just remembered on the way back here.", I said in a quick response. Hope, she bought that.

"Oh, yeah..happens all the time to me. Y'know my intense one's.", Sam said and waved her hand in dismissal, "speaking of your way, how was the walk? 'Cause you were gone for a whole hour. I was worried something might've happened to you. I even called you but you didn't pick up.", she said and looked accusingly.

"Sorry 'bout that. I had left my phone on silent.. must've forgotten to put it in loud. Oops..", I said and grimaced a little, 'cause if I knew Sam she would scream at me any minute now.

"It's okay. Happens to all of us.", she said and let it go. Just like that.

I took out my phone from my back pocket. 10 calls and 15 messages. All from Sam.

"Hey. You must've been worried very much. I'm sorry I left you hanging there.", I said and went to her desk where she sat the whole time. She kind of looked down.

"No worries. Like, I said, happens to all of us.", she said again and shrugged nonchalantly.

"Sam? Did something happen while I was gone?", I asked her in concern. This was unlike her.

"Just...Ray came over and must've left this letter", she said and gave the letter into my hands, "he said goodbye to me. He was very sorry about what he said to me."

I skimmed over the letter. It sounded a lot like a suicide note. His wording was very depressive and worrying.

"I...I think he is going t-t-", Sam began sobbing and I immediately held her close. This is too much for me. First my Angel history, then some lunatics wanna kill me and my friends, and now THIS? Is the universe testing me or what? I don't know the answers to everything. Let me breathe.

"No, I think he just made it sound like that to make you feel something...I'm gonna have to talk to that idiot anyway. He has some explaining to do.", I said to her and rubbed her back and tried reassuring her some further. She didn't need this. I really hope this is not a suicide note. That would be too much.

"Now, go rest. You need the sleep. And I need it, too. We have to get our sleep and nothing is going to take that away from us.", I said firmly and pushed her to her bed. I then nicely tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "Sweet dreams.", I said and smiled at her.

"Thanks, Aria.", she said quietly and smiled back.

"You're welcome.", I said and walked back to my bed. I didn't change into my pajamas since this day was a lot - once again. I need to lay off the stress. It's gonna kill me one day.

If these lunatics don't do it first..

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