{P A S T}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

Back to the day of the incident...

I heard the doorbell ring a second time and walked a little faster. What if something happened to Aria? But how would they know where I lived? Maybe it's Adrian? Maybe it's-

I opened the door to reveal the one and only idiot I didn't expect to see:

Rem Newfield. Mr. Swim Team.

"What do you want? How do you know where I live?", I asked him frustrated.

"May I come in?", Rem asked. I noticed he wasn't wearing any jacket. It's the middle of November. Who doesn't wear a jacket?

"Why? What is your reason besides being cold?", I asked carefully.

"Please, may I come in.", he asked again and looked around himself. He looked afraid.

"Yeah, come in.", I said and saw the urgency in his eyes.

"Oh, thank the Angel.", he said and rushed inside.

"What did you say?", I asked him shocked.

"Oh, you heard what I said.", he said and rubbed his arms to keep warm.

"You said the Angel.", I repeated his words, "who ARE you?", I asked him confused.

"You're gonna hate me if I tell you.", he said and looked down. He took some steps backwards.

"Why would I hate you?", I asked him, "I barely even know you.", I said frustrated again.

"Because the information I'm going to tell you is gonna crush you and make you hate me in every possible way. But I promise I changed. I made some terrible things that I know can't be forgiven but I promise to the Angel I have changed since-", he said but stopped abruptly.

"Since what? Why are you being so, so, weird? You teased me all the time. What is going on with you?", I asked him and came closer.

He looked up and I saw a tear stain his cheek and looked at his eyes. It was at this moment I recalled a memory, an image to be more exact.

He was the guy that looked me intently in the eye. And he is the one that cried. Two images at once.

I made a few steps backwards. I couldn't believe it. HE was the guy? But why him? It didn't make sense.

"Do you know who I am now?", Rem asked slowly and looked at me.

"You are the guy from the images I saw. But how?", I said looking down and still, I was confused.

"What images? No, I am one of your enemies.", he said and clarified himself.

"My enemy? No, I couldn't care about your swimming team. I couldn't care less about you.", I said and pointed at myself.

"No, you don't understand.", Rem said and shook his head.

"Then tell me, for fuck's sake!", I said in exclamation.

"I am one of The Wise. No, I was one of The Wise.", Rem made clear again and this time I stopped in my pace.

"You are what?", I said in shock.

"You heard me.", Rem said sadly and looked like he rather shut his mouth than tell me who he was.

"No, that can't be. You are Mr. Swim Team. You are a jock. Yes, you sometimes get on my nerves, but you can't be the guy that destroyed my home. You just can't.", I said frantically.

"I was that guy. I am in the Swim Team because I had to look out for survivers. But-", he said and stopped mid-sentence.

"But what, Rem? This is ridiculous! You think I can believe you? What bullshit prank is this, huh? Where are the wires?", I said and immediately touched his torso to feel out any wires that might be there. Maybe someone recorded this idiocy?

He suddenly held me close to his torso and made me look into his eyes. The tightness was weird. He panted heavily and his pupils got bigger with ever second that passed.

"But when I met you I couldn't go through with my research.", he said and looked at my lips and then back up again.

"I fell for you, Sky. Like, I have a crush on you. Fuck, I might even be in love with you.", he said and looked around the room and then back into my eyes. He changed his view from my eyes to my lips.

"You-what?", I asked and looked at him to see whether he was lying but I couldn't quite make it out. He was in love with me?

"I-you know what I said.", he said and let go of me. He still held my back but not as tight as before.

"You have a crush on me?", I said still confused about all of this, "but you can't be. You teased me all the time and I always sh-", I said but got interrupted.

By his lips. He kissed me. He kissed me. I mean, I don't have anything against people, who love the same sex, but is this a joke?

"Is this a joke to you?", I screamed at him after I pushed him away from me, "I mean, believe me, I have nothing against gay people but this has to be a sick joke. YOU come into MY HOME and tell me you are-", I got interrupted.

"were", Rem corrected me.

"Were one of the worst people in my life and now you tell me you like me and kiss me all of a sudden?!", I cried out in anger.

"Yes. And believe me, I would have loved to continue this conversation but I have to tell you something really important!", Rem said and held my hands. I flicked them off of me.

He looked hurt by my actions but covered it really fast.

"I don't want to believe you. I can't even see your wings. How do you expect me to believe you?", I said and raised my arms in frustration.

He began to turn around but I stopped him right there.

"No!", I exclaimed and pushed him outside,"go out of my house. And please, don't bother telling me whatever crap you wanted to tell me, Rem. Just-go.", I said and pointed my finger to the outside.

"But-please! This is important! I don't want you to die. You are too imp-", he said but I slammed the door in his face.

The nerve that guy has. Telling me that he is - WAS - one of the worst guys in my life and then he proceeds to KISS ME?! What the fuck? That has to be a joke. And whoever told him about The Wise has to explain themselves. After all, we are in hiding. And this isn't something to make fun of.

Pfft. I hope he doesn't show up again.

I walked to my bed, changed into my white pajamas and turned off the light.

Sleep it off, Sky. Don't think about this. Just sleep.

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