{P O W E R F U L}

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[Sky's P.O.V.]

I woke up with someone breathing next to me. Blinking a few times I looked over at the person and they had copper locks all over my chest and their face. I smiled at the sight of Aria sleeping on my chest. Her heartbeat was in a very steady beat. I brushed away the hair and saw that she had a frown on her face. I immediately looked at her hands and a small blue spark formed.

"Aria.", I said and shook her a little.

"Mmmm", she mumbled.

"Aria, wake up.", I tried again, this time with a more rapid shake.

"Mmmm!", she groaned this time.

"Oh for fuck's sake.", I said and closed my eyes for a moment. This is not the time.

"Aria, please wake up. You're gonna burn everything up.", I said a little louder.

"WHAT?! NO! I WANNA PROTECT ONLY!", she exclaimed and shot out of her sleeping position. She immediately looked at her hands and the blue spark was gone. She looked around.

"Are they here? Be honest, are they here?", she quickly said and ran to the window next to the bed.

"Who is here? The Wise?", I asked her confused, "Aria, you had a nightmare.", I tried reassuring her.

"I don't know what their name is. I don't even know whether they were them.", she said again looking at the floor. She looked like she remembered her dream again.

"It was a nightmare, Aria. Not a vision. You had a lot happen in the past few days. Your brain just processed these news and it happened to be a nightmare. I don't blame the brain. It's scary.", I said and drifted off with that statement.

"I don't know. It was weird. I had my flames come all of a sudden.", she said and looked at her hands. She turned them around to inspect them closer.

"Come here.", I said and waved her over. She came over and snuggled to me. I put the blanket on top of her. "Everything's gonna work out. We have a plan. We will help everyone.", I said, rubbed her arm and kissed her head.

"Are you sure? I feel like I am not ready. I don't think I can do this.", she said and sounded sad.

"Of course I am sure. We have you. We have gifts that we can use against those idiots.", I said and hugged her closer to me.

"I'm still not convinced, but thanks for reassuring. I'll try my best I can.", she said and it sounded like she smiled.

"Welcome.", I said and smiled, too.

"Well, well, well.", Sam said from the other side of the room, "look at these lovebirds. Snuggling and talking like two dancing flames.", she said and smirked.

"What? Flames? Nah. We are just two people cuddling in a bed. No flames over here.", Aria said and I chuckled at her attempt to straighten it up.

"Geez, calm down. I was just observing. No flames, alright.", Sam said and rolled her eyes, "Wanna have some coffee?", she said and raised her cup of coffee.

"Yeah, that would be nice.", Aria said.

"I'd like one, too, if that isn't too much to ask.", I added.

"Then come and get yourself one. I only serve for the Queen. I don't care about the King.", Sam said and disappeared in the kitchen.

I laughed and Aria made way for me to get out of bed. "Thanks, Aria."

"Welcome, King.", she said and hid under her blanket.

I laughed at that a little louder. "Thank the Angel you are the Queen here."

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