Harry's family was lovely and very nice to let me stay and spend the holidays with them. Victoria wasn't happy but my mom called and said it was ok and that she wanted to meet Harry. Me and Harry weren't dating, I knew that already but we knew we had feelings towards each other. I looked at my phone and saw that is was 7 so what better way then to make breakfast for them. After I brushed my teeth and put my hair in a bun I headed down to the kitchen. I hope they didn't mind me being in their kitchen.

I had made pancakes, hash browns, bacon, eggs and was now moving on to make toast when I heard footsteps.

"Claire?" Harry was standing in front of me in all his glory. I quickly covered my eyes and looked away. "Uh Harry do you mind putting clothes on" I was furiously blushing.

"Mmm it smells good in here" Gemma walked in. "Geez Harry put some clothes on nobody wants to see your bum." She covered her eyes.

"Being naked is liberating!" Harry defended himself.

"Imma tell Santa to bring you some clothes because you seriously need some."

I laughed at their bickering. They stopped and Harry decided to finally put clothes on. Anne walked in with who I'm guessing is Robin and thanked me for cooking.

"Claire thank you your such a sweetheart." Anne smiled warmly at me.

"Yea it was delicious it's better then Harry's cooking." Robin said while taking a bit of the chocolate chip pancakes I made.

"Looks like you got competition." I looked at Harry he snorted. "As if"

We talked for a bit and Anne and Gemma did the dishes while I got up to get ready. Christmas Eve was tomorrow and the boys were coming on Christmas Day to spend a few days here until we flew all together to North Carolina. Harry was going to show me around today and I was gonna take the chance to buy them Christmas presents and of course the boys too. I showered and changed into dark wash skinny jeans, Captain America shirt, and grey uggs. I grabbed my grey pea coat and put my grey beanie on while walking downstairs. Harry was at the door waiting. We said goodbye and walked out.

- - - -

"You hungry?" Harry asked. I nodded and we payed for our stuff and walked out the store we were in.

He led me inside a bakery. The smell of vanilla and chocolate filled my nose.

"I usted to work here." Harry led me to the front and we were greeted by a Middle Aged women.

"Harry? Is that you?" Harry smiled and went to hug the women. She went to the back and everyone else walked out to greet Harry. After a whole bunch of "hellos" and "how are yous" Harry finally ordered us some cupcakes. We got our cupcakes and walked to a park that was close by and sat on a bench.

"Wanna hear a joke?" I nodded. "Why did the man sleep under the car?"

"I don't know why?"

"So he could wake up oily in the morning" we busted out laughing but I wasn't laughing at the joke I was laughing at how terrible it was.

"Your so awful at jokes." Tears were falling from my face at how corny it was.

We walked around until we came to what looked like a bridge. The view was beautiful and it was very peaceful. I always wanted peace and quit. My life was literally the publics and I couldn't really call it mine when the whole world was watching. Sometimes you just don't wanna be famous you know? When I had my fathers last name I had to be the ideal daughter. We were treated like royalty and I was called my fathers princess. Victoria and my brother were older so they made it clear they didn't want to take over the family's business and they went their own path. My father then turned to me and the whole weight was put on me at a young age. I was the heir to my family's company and nobody knew. My father always told me the company would be mine and I knew it would because my grandfather would remind me everyday. My step sister couldn't take over because she wasn't my fathers REAL daughter. It was something you couldn't run away from.

"You ok?" I looked up and saw Harry standing beside me.

"Yea just thinking about the future I'm destined to have." He looked confused.

"What do you mean?"

"My future, well not really mine it's already written for me. I have no say in what's to happen. It's just father retires and I take over the company."

"Why can't your other siblings take over?"

"They went their own way and left everything to me"

"Isn't that selfish of them? You would expect them to at least take a stand" thinking about it that way it was but what was I suppose to do? I couldn't let my father destroy my younger brothers.

"Yea it is but I can't let my younger brothers take my place and move with my father. I lived with him and it was great at first but now he's got that women living with him and I don't want my brothers going thru what I had too." I loved my younger brothers they were my babies and I was going to protect them from my father.

"I got an idea c'mon." Harry dragged me to wherever we were going.

We reached a very tall tree and he started climbing. "C'mon I gotta show you something." I'm telling you this boy is crazy but I went along with it wanting to see what was it that he wanted to show me.

We reached the top and their was a hole at the top. Harry reached inside and pulled out a box. He opened it and handed it to me. I looked inside and saw pictures, candy wrappers, pebbles, leaves, and many other things. "What is this?"

"It's a box I made when I was younger. The stuff inside are some things I value the most and my memories. I would also put things inside to remind myself of my future. I wanted to be a detective so I put a magnifying glass in and at one point I wanted to be superman so I put that in." He pointed to a superman picture he drew. "The point is your future is not planned out it depends on you" he pointed at me. "You say your future is written but it's not it's what you want it to be. Life's only made out of memories and at the end the memories are all that matter. Claire your future isn't written just because what other people want you to do. You have to start to write your own future and collect all the memories." He pulled something out his pocket and it was our cupcake wrappers. I handed him the box and he put them in. "Now I have another memory." He put it back and then looked at me and leaned forward.

That moment it was just us and I was glad I could see this side of Harry. I honestly was falling for him and I didn't want anybody to catch me but him.

That Moment (Harry styles/Selena Gomez fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now