"Recognized Divine B06" I sigh slipping my heels off as I step into the comfort of the zeta beam the idea of being closer to my safe place calming me.

"Hey Ana you look so pretty!" M'gann gushes, but I'm sure I don't look as nice and hopeful as I did earlier. "Where's your date? The dance doesn't end for another hour." Wally grumbles putting a lot of space between us all while keeping the strongest eye contact he can.

"Where were you? Do you realize how unbearable it was without you?" I ask just as sharply pushing his own question to the side not wanting to ruin everyone's mood with my depressing highschool drama.

He opens his mouth ready to fight back like always, but an explosion goes off and before I can do anything everything blurs to black.

Anastasia's POV

"Uhh" I groan trying to stretch as I slowly wake up, but I realize by body is contained my arms stretched as far apart as they can be from each other, and the only thing I can move is my head. "Guys?" I screech once I see Wally and Superboy are trapped like me, and M'gann and Kaldur are stuck in a cage of fire.

"Great you're up, now answer my question. What happened at the dance?" Wally asks irritably, and it takes me a second to remember everything that's happened tonight. Once again my mood darkens as I remember Blake trying to advance on me despite epically failing.

"We're being held hostage, and that's what you want to talk about?" I sigh the disbelief dripping from my tone of voice. "I'm sorry we're stuck, so I thought now was just as nice as any to catch up." I roll my eyes ready to respond but Superboy cuts me off.

"Can you two knock it off, your bickering is annoying them."

"He started it!"

"She started it!" We both whine at the same time simultaneously turning to glare at each other. "I don't see why it's any of your business why I left early."

"I don't see why it's any of your business as to why I wasn't there" he shoots back both of our voices sightly lower than before.  "You're right it's not." I wish I could turn away because the longer I stare into his green eyes the more I want to tell him what happened, but I can't not here.

"Look out!" Conner shouts catching my attention, and the little mobility I have I use to turn and see Artemis and Robin. "Are you guys okay?" Robin asks swimming to us, but I shake my head pointing up at M'gann and Kaldur because they need help first. "Forget us, help M'gann" Conner pleads having the same idea.

"Kaldur is she..."

"She is unconscious, but I don't know how much longer we can take this," and it's getting to the point where it's not just them because the water is slowly rising. I may have several powers, but breathing under water is not one.

Our two friends are gone just as quickly as they appeared, and I'm honestly grateful. Not only are they safe, but they're more likely to help us out there. "Totally doable" Wally quietly exclaims out of nowhere catching me off guard.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask just as quietly as I look around for our friends or someone that might've secretly snuck in, and then my eye lands on the batarang near his head, and I'm suddenly feeling less hopeful.

"You're making absolutely no since" I sigh, mainly to myself, as he starts rambling about stones and ponds trying my best to hide from myself how much of a turn on it truly is. They start to throw insults at the Androids, but I don't think they realize the tin cans can't feel anything.

Then they pull an unconscious Robin from the water, and I find my body relentlessly fighting against the restraints even though I know it's hopeless. Now Kaldur's out along with M'gann and Robin, the water is up to our necks, and there's only three minutes left.

Three minutes to live...

Two minutes...


And I take my final breath as Artemis enters, and after that I don't see anything the water forcing my eyes closed. Just as I start to lose it the water descends, and I gasp accepting the air like a long lost friend

"Kaldur how's M'gann?" Superboy asks and I look up still restrained and feeling extremely helpless. "She breathes, I believe she will recover. And what about Robin?" Artemis rushes over to him, and I try as well only to hit the wall that's holding me back. "He's breathing too." I release a breath I didn't know I was holding no longer caring that I'm still stuck.

All my friends are alive, they're all breathing and fine.

Wally's POV

"Figured my only way was to surrender, pretend to drown before I really did" Robin explains with shrug as if it's no big deal, like we didn't just nearly die. "Do you realize how incredibly stupid that sounds, can someone smack him for me?" Anastasia asks, and Artemis happily complies.

"Are you alright?" I ask Ana but based on her twisted face she's still mad at me, and I'm not really sure what I did. "Peachy, now Artemis would you please hurry it up and cut me free?" She asks her polite smile contradicting her harsh voice, and I can only assume it's because she wants to get away from me.

"Hate to break it to ya, but the EMP shut down all machines." I groan for someone that always has to be constantly moving I've stayed awfully still for to long, and at this point I can feel my body vibrating so eager to be free. However if I'm stuck here maybe I can talk things out with Anastasia, and get to the bottom of what happened at the dance that has her so on edge.

"All machines present at the time." Ana sucks in a breath preparing herself for the two Androids to attack again, but instead Red Tornado swoops in. But I don't feel anymore at ease. "We had a visit from your family."

"Yeah your extremely nasty family." I can't add anything all my attention on Ana as she stares intently at nothing, and my heart twists imagining what could've gone wrong. Maybe I should've put my feelings aside and went just in case she needed me, but I thought she would be fine for a few hours.

I just couldn't stand and watch another guy be that close to her with his hands on her, and I especially couldn't stand by and see how happy she was because then it would've been official... She's not in to me.

I'm pulled out of my head as a shrill gasp sounds from my side, and I'm suddenly very aware of the lack of oxygen. From the corner of my eye I can see Red, and from the other I can see Anastasia falling limp in the hardened goo.

"Ana..." But my body shuts down before I can really say anything, and I dose off wondering if it's to late.

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