Chapter 12 - Cooking Cereal?

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Ummm how did this reach humour #421 and romance #543?! 

CHAPTER 12 - Cooking Cereal?

Kailee continued to be short with me after lunch. "Can you pass me that file please?" I asked as I gestured to one sitting on the other side of her.

"Yes," she said as the practically threw the file at me.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, spinning in my chair to face her.

"Just dandy," she spat. She was definitely mad.

"Come with me." I left no room for arguments as I grabbed her hand and pulled her into the empty corridor. "What's going on?" I asked again.

"I'm so stupid," she groaned as she threw her hands into the air.

"You're not." I tried to take her hand but she pulled it away. Frowning, I cocked my head to the side waiting for her to continue.

"I thought things would have changed now." She was clearly frustrated.

"What would have changed?" I needed clarification.

"Things between me and you!" She cried. "I was stupid and thought that after last night you would act like you actually like me." She wouldn't look me in the eyes as she spoke.

I felt like an idiot. Of course that is what she would have been expecting. After last night things had changed. But we couldn't act differently at work. People would known something was up. We couldn't go from hating each other to acting like best friends over night. There was a no dating policy, and we couldn't give anything away.

"Things have changed," I said as I grabbed her hand in mine. This time she didn't pull away.

"What?" She had this adorably cute confused expression on her face. I interlaced our fingers together as I led her into the file room, which was a lot more private.

"Things have changed," I reassured her. "But I can't suddenly change how I act towards you. People would think something was up," I tried to explain. "But I really liked what happened last night," I added as I took a step towards her.

The anger started to fade from her eyes. "So you're just putting on an act?" She questioned.

"We can't just go from snapping at each other to suddenly being best buds," I chuckled.

"I guess that makes sense," she didn't look so sure though.

"I promise it's the truth."

"So you don't regret last night?" She checked.

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