Chapter 23 - Vomit, it's kinda a mood killer

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CHAPTER 23 - Vomit, it's kinda a mood killer.

"Angus," I couldn't help but smile when I saw him, despite his rude interuption!

"Tyler," he greeted. "I can come back later, I can see that you are busy," he said with a wink.

"It's fine," I chuckled as I pulled Kailee up onto my bed so she was sitting next to me, being sure to keep her hand in mine.

Angus grinned as he cocked his head to the side, his eyes flickering between the two of us. "So how you feeling mate?"

"Fine," I replied. "I'm sorry about making you all come out and save me. I was pretty stupid," I apologised.

"We're all just glad you are alright," Angus said with a shake of his head.

"Thank you," I replied with a smile while Kailee squeezed my hand showing that she agreed with his words. Quickly, I kissed Kailee's temple, ignoring Angus' wide eyes.

"Aw look at you two," he cooed. Rolling my eyes I ignored him. "I've never seen you so whipped," he continued.

"Shut up," I glared at him, but I wasn't mad, it was true.

"Not even going to argue with me?" Angus arched an eyebrow.

"You are such an idiot."

"An awesome idiot though," he smirked.

"Nope," I shook my head. "Just an idiot." Kailee giggled into my shoulder as she watched Angus' face drop.

"I'm wounded," Angus feigned hurt as he clutched his heart.

"Yeah yeah," I said with a wave of my hand.

"We apologise," Kailee laughed.

"Already referring to each other together," Angus commented. "This is moving pretty quickly."

"I meant, he apologises," Kailee corrected. "Don't want people to get the wrong idea about the two of us," Kailee laughed.

"Oh and what would that be?" I challenged.

"That anything is going on between us," Kailee shot back.

"Oh really? Because that's not what it seemed like a minute ago...." I trailed off. "You know when you were moaning my name," I smirked, titling my head to the side teasingly.

"Please be quiet," Angus groaned.

"I don't remember that," Kailee pretended not to understand.

"Stop," Angus whined. "Please."

"Do you want me to remind you?" I raised an eyebrow.

"No. No she doesn't." Angus scrunched his face up.

"I guess it wouldn't hurt," Kailee smiled.

Not needing anymore encouragement, I cupped her cheek with one hand before gently pressing my lips to hers. Her lips danced against mine, moving slowly, but making my heart beat quicken. We moved together in perfect synchronisation, in time to a beat of song that only the two of us could hear. It was a secret that no one else knew. Something special that just Kailee and I could share.

Finally, when the sound of Angus fake retching grew too much, we drew apart. I mean the sound of vomiting was a bit of a mood killer. Angus continued to gag long after we had broken a part, just to emphasise his point.

"Ok we get it," I finally interrupted him. His head snapped up as he looked at the two of us.

"You make me sick," he shook his head, his eyes glinting with amusement, before marching out the room dramatically.

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