Chapter 9 - I wouldn't get your hopes up

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CHAPTER 9 - I wouldn't get your hopes up

A week later and I was finally back to work. I hadn't seen Kailee since our kiss had been interrupted by my parents, and she had quickly left after that. I was hoping the kiss wouldn't change anything, even if I had been on my mind since it had happened. It hadn't helped that my parents had been constantly questioning my about it since. My mum just wanted me to settle down, and now she had seen me kissing Kailee, she wanted it to be with her. On the other hand, my dad was worried about mixing work and relationships. I didn't know what to say to either of them.

Kissing her hadn't been the best decision. I mean I was trying to stay away from her and not become close. Yet in that moment I couldn't have cared less.

Strolling into work, a couple of the guys welcomed me back. Kailee was already sat at her desk by the time I arrived, a little later than usual. Despite being confined to my desk for the next week, I was happy to be back.

"Tyler!" Angus called before I reached my desk. Spinning round my eyes landed on Angus who was skipping towards me. After a quick hug he stepped back from me.

"All better?" He asked.

"As good as new," I showed him my still bandaged arm.

"Hardly noticeable," he joked as he couldn't actually see the stitches.

Laughing, I turned around and headed back over to where Kailee was sitting. "Morning," she grinned as I plonked myself down in the seat next to her.

"Morning," I sent a weak smile in her direction. I was still unsure of what the kiss meant to her.

"Happy to be back?" She asked, but her eyes were focused on the paperwork in front of her.

"Yeah," I replied. Despite keeping myself busing reading old case files, the time off from work had still led me to boredom. The only bonus was I had been able to see my parents a lot more, and my sister had even driven down from the north to make sure I was still alive.

"You haven't missed much," Kailee finally looked back at me. I didn't respond, but waited for her to continue. "I've been stuck on desk duty."

"Got another week of that to look forward to," I pointed out. Although I was back, I still wasn't cleared for work in the field.

Kailee and I quickly fell back into the usual swing of things. I stuck to my one word answers while she tried to delve for more information. Being back in the work place reminded me why I needed to stay so guarded and I knew I needed to work harder if I wanted to prevent myself from being hurt. I had let myself slip recently and I couldn't let that happen again.

Angus came to collect the two of us for lunch but I turned down his invitation. I had some digging of my own to do. As soon as I saw Kailee and Angus leave the office, I grabbed my storeroom keys before heading to the back room where all the case files were kept.

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