Chapter 10 - Real Imaginative

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CHAPTER 10 - Real Imaginative

I woke to the incessant ringing of my mobile phone. Rolling over I groaned when I saw the time. It was before six in the morning. Groggily I grabbed the device from my bedside table and accepted the call.

"Hello?" My voice was still thick with sleep.

"Tyler?" I sat up when I heard their voice.

"Jonny?" He had been one of the contacts I made when working on the Evans case.

"I got your message."

"What do you know?" I got straight down to business.

"The night Evans and Shano met, Shano thought they would be making an agreement about security. Evans wanted it for an upcoming drug deal he was making with the Goodman family, a big European gang. But when Shano got there Evans pulled a gun on him saying he was sick of Shano trying to expand onto his turf." I took in the information as Jonny told it to me.

"What's going on now?" I needed more up to date information if I was going to get these guys.

"Well thanks to you and Gus arriving both Evans and Shano survived but it has meant that tension between the two groups has been at an all time high. Fights between the two gangs have been breaking out all over town. But in their anger they have become careless." I knew Jonny had something good for me. "One of Evans' men was bragging about their plans to jump Shano and his guys tomorrow evening at one of Shano's clubs," Jonny explained. I couldn't help but grin at this information. I could sneak into the club and witness what was going to happen. Then I could pin crimes on both these guys. Scum like them needed to be taken off the street. They took innocent lives and it was my job to protect these lives. I wouldn't let another unnecessary death like Gus' happen.

A feeling of determination settled in the pit of my stomach as I said my goodbyes to Jonny and started to make a plan for the following late afternoon.

I was distracted at work all morning the following day. All I could think about was what I was going to be doing after work. My mind was elsewhere and Kailee could tell.

"Are you alright?" She asked me for what felt like the hundredth time today.

"Yes," I snapped. "Sorry," I said instantly before remembering what she told me about apologising. "Sorry," I said again. "I know I need to stop apologising," I grimaced. I really didn't know how to act around this girl.

"What's wrong?" She continued to question. She still wanted me to open up to her, but I felt like I done enough of that over the past couple of days.

"I'm just tired," I lied and she knew it. But for once she left it.

By the time it was time for me to leave I was shaking with anticipation. I had no idea how tonight was going to go down and I was feeling severely under prepared for the situation but I was also happy to be finally making progress towards condemning the person responsible for Gus.

"I've got to go," I said to Kailee as I jumped up from my seat, ten minutes before the work day officially ended.

"What's going on?" She called after me but I didn't respond.

Looking over my shoulder as I went I made my way to my car and left the station. My eyes flickered nervously across the street, scanning the faces of every passerby as I drove towards my destination. The Club. Yes, that was the name of the nightclub. Real imaginative, I know.

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