Chapter 17 - Nice Try Copper Boy

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CHAPTER 17 - Nice Try Copper Boy

I squinted my eyes against the harsh fluorescent light of the warehouse. The boys hands dug into my arms as the roughly dragged me through the building. We wound our way through dark corridors until we reached a door. I knew he was behind it.

As soon as they pushed the door open the chatter from inside stopped. The shoved me to my knees in the centre of the group of men gathered there. Around ten guys sat on sofas and chairs dotted around the room. All eyes were on me.

The room was small and cold. The floor was concrete and the walls a dirty white. The only window was that I had spotted the light shinning from. The only furniture was the seating and one table which was shoved in the corner. At the back of the room was a dark wooden door leading to another room.

"What have you got here boys?" His voice was relaxed, much like it had been when he had met Shano in the club. I kept my head down, praying he wouldn't recognise me.

"It's that cop from the other night," another voice joined in. I ground my teeth together. I knew this voice too. It was the guy who had shot me.

Suddenly I felt my head being pulled up by a fisted hand in my hair. I bit back a cry of pain as I was forced to look into those eyes again. Those ones that I knew from somewhere. The almost black orbs that had haunted me since the day I had been shot.

"You just never give up do you?" He taunted as he dragged me to my feet. My skull burned as he pulled at my hair. I refused to show any signs of pain. I wouldn't show him any weakness.

"What do you want this time?" He continued with a sneer. I kept my face expressionless. If I was going to go down I would give him any satisfaction.

"It doesn't matter anyway," he smirked. "Because this time I'm going to kill you." His eyes glinted with amusement. He was enjoying this. "But first," the joy in his eyes seemed to increase. "I have someone I would like for you to meet."

I couldn't help but frown at his words. Who could he possibly want to introduce me to? Maybe he was just stalling. He wanted to give me time to get scared, to fully comprehend what was about to happen. I didn't need time though. I was fucking terrified. I wouldn't show him that though.

He pushed me forward towards the sofa he had been sitting on just minutes before. Two other men were still sat on it. They both looked the picture of ease, leant back, legs loosely crossed, like they didn't have a care in the world. How could that be true though? They killed people on a daily basis.

I kept my eyes unfocused, not meeting the eyes of either of them. "This is my brother," he said eagerly. "I think you might know him." My head snapped up at his words. I was scared of who I might see there. Could it be a dirty cop? Is that why his eyes looked so familiar. Was it one of my friends?

It was neither.

As soon as my eyes connected with his I knew.

They were the same black orbs as those on the man behind me. They were somehow darker though if that was even possible. There was not an ounce of emotion in them. They just stared back at me, cold, empty.

They were the same ones I had seen that night. They had looked exactly the same when he had stood there and pressed the trigger. They had looked back at me emotionless when the deed had been done. They were the eyes of the man who had murdered Gus.

I snapped.

Without thinking I sent my elbow flying back into the man who had shot me's face. He was on the floor a second later. Without hesitation I dived towards his brother, catching him by surprise. My fists started flying, connecting with his face, not giving him time to defend himself.

Hands grabbed my shoulders but my leg flew back, kicking the person off me. I continued to attack the man beneath me. He wasn't getting away with it. He showed no remorse for what he had done, for the pain he had caused, and no we deserved to feel that pain.

My fists burned, the skin having already been torn away, but I didn't care. My arms kept moving back and fourth as my fists flew. Anger blurred my vision, and then he was gone.

I was lifted from him and thrown onto the ground. Everyone surrounded me, ready to attack in an instant. I just lay there, dizzy, as I panted, trying to catch my breath. My eyes flickered around the twelve figures, trying to find an escape or another way to attack. There was nothing.

Gus' killer stood above me, sneering, blood trickling from his broken nose and his split eyebrow. He was not going to be a pretty sight tomorrow. I had to do more though. A broken nose wasn't anything compared to what he did.

"So you are the cop that got away?" I recognised Evans' voice immediately.

"Yes." My voice was confident. I wasn't going to show weakness now, even if I was completely vulnerable.

"Yes, I wasn't very with Larry when I found out you had gotten away." He gestured to the guy who had shot me as he spoke.

"I would fire him if I was you." I might as well have some fun if I was about to die.

"I'll kill him now," Larry shouted, anger lacing him voice.

"And what use would that be?" Evans' questioned. Somehow he was still completely calm, eerily calm.

"Then he won't come back?" Larry responded but it sounded more like a question.

"Oh no," Evans' chuckled. "We're not letting him get away this time." He paused as a sky grin crept across his lips. "We're going to use him." My heart sunk. What the fuck did that mean?

"How?" Larry voiced my question.

"We're going to find out all the police know about us and all they knew on Shano," he grinned. An slow smile spread across Larry's lips.

"Genius," he agreed. Evans discreetly rolled his eyes, not bothering to reply to clearly not the sharpest tool in the box.

"I can go back to the station for you, grab some of the files," I suggested hopefully. It would give me a chance to get out of here, and to get away.

"Nice try copper boy," Evans laughed, but it lacked humour. I decided to say silent from then on.

"Take him to the van Larry," Evans commanded. "Tie him up this time. He can stay the night there. "With those last words he strode out and through the door I hadn't entered through.

Larry and his brother tied me up. The rope so right it cut into my wrist and ankles. Once they were satisfied, Larry grabbed my arms while his brother took my legs and together the carried me to a black van parked outside the back of the warehouse. All the while they taunted me. I didn't react.

Dropping me onto the floor, they unlocked the van before opening one of the back windowless doors. Roughly, the threw me into the back of the van. I landed on the cold metal floor with a clang, the sound echoing throughout the vehicle.

"Sleep well," Larry sneered with a grin before slamming the door shut and leaving me in the darkness.


AN: The next few chapters will be short but a lot will happen :)

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