Chapter 13 - Playing Dress Up

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ummm whaaaat, ok I know I keep going on about this but this reached humour #367 and romance #449 :O 

CHAPTER 13 - Playing Dress Up

I couldn't help but smile when I saw Kailee working away at our desks. She had a happy smile on her face as her pen moved across the form in front of her.

"Morning," I grinned as I took my seat next to her. I felt myself lean in slightly to kiss her cheek before remembering where we were.

"Careful," she warned playfully as she squeezed my hand beneath the table. Shaking my head I laughed as I pulled out my own work.

By lunch I was itching to kiss her. I couldn't comprehend how before a couple of days ago I manage days without pressing my lips to hers, now I couldn't seem to get enough of it. Angus was out on call so it meant it was just Kailee and I for lunch. I was glad. Around Angus I felt like I had to put on an act. Of course I was becoming more and more friendly with Kailee in front of him but I knew he suspected there was more between us.

"Ready for lunch?" I asked as I scooted my chair back from the table and stretched my arms above my head, my back stiff from sitting in the same position all day.

"Definitely," Kailee sighed as she closed the file on her desk, her face frustrated.

"Hard cas..." However, I never managed to finish my sentence.

"Kailee. Tyler," James called as he strode into the office. "You're needed down in Brixton."

"I'm not cleared for..." Once again I was interrupted.

"It doesn't matter. Everyone else is on other calls," he said seriously, clearly we were being run off our feet today. "There is a fire," he continued. "The firefighters on scene think it was arson. They have a suspect but we need you to go down there and bring him in for questioning."

Kailee and I quickly nodded, and less than a minute later were in our car and on our way to the scene. The midday traffic slowed our progress and I couldn't help but thrum my fingers against the steering wheel as we dodged through the sea of cars.

Eventually we pulled up outside a burning apartment building. Two fire engines sat at the bottom of the burning structure. Ambulances helped those who had already been rescued. Men in soot coated yellow jackets pointed hoses at the building, trying to get the flames under control.

Kailee gasped at the sight before we both jumped from the car and found the fire chief. He was an ageing man with greying hair but a gentle face. "Hello, I'm Tyler Andrews and this is Kailee Elliot," I introduced ourselves as we shook his hand. "We're here for the suspect," I explained.

The man in front of us, who had introduced himself as Carter Tate, nodded before leading us over to one of the engines. Standing by a firefighter stood a man, who could have been no older than Kailee and I. He wore ripped, grubby jeans, and a large baggy sweater.

"Where did you find him?" I directed my question to Carter.

"Fleeing the scene," Carter explained.

"What evidence is there that is was arson?" I continued to question him.

"Petrol cans at the back of the building." Carter ran his hand through his hair. It was clear he was wondering why anyone would do such a thing. Why would anyone put so many lives at risk? I was asking myself the same question.

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