Chapter 2 - The Urge Won

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CHAPTER 2 - The Urge Won

Following James into the room was a petit brunette. She wore the same uniform that I did but she made it look a lot better - which was a hard feat, trust me. The black trousers hugged her hips perfectly and the tight, almost lycra, regulatory shirt - which had only recently been introduced - fitted her perfectly, hinting at what was hidden beneath, yet not showing too much. Seeing as we were not out on duty she, like me, wasn't wearing a bullet proof vest. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a neat high ponytail.

I forced myself to close my mouth but as soon as my eyes met hers I had trouble not letting it fall open again. Her eyes were a deep, stormy blue, showing so much yet somehow hiding so much at the same time. Pushing the widely inappropriate thoughts from my mind, I had to remind myself of the vow I had made.

Never again, I thought to myself angrily.

James smacked my head subtly as he walked past me and sat back down at his desk. Hardening my face, I spun back round in my chair to face him while the girl took a seat in the chair next to mine. I kept my expression even, refusing to look at her, as I waited for James to speak. I could feel her eyes flickering between James and I. James gave me a questioning look before starting speak.

"Tyler, I would like to introduce you to Kailee Elliot. She will be your new partner so I expect you to make her feel extremely welcome and show her round," James spoke with authority. I sent a quick nod in greeting in Kailee's direction, fighting the urge not to look longer. I wanted to examine every inch of her face, but I wouldn't allow myself. James raised an eyebrow at my action, but still continued. "Kailee, this is Tyler Andrews."

As soon as the words left James' mouth, I saw Kailee's hand shoot out in front of me. "Nice to meet you," her soft voice spoke quietly but emitting strength at the same time. Taking her hand in mine, I couldn't help but notice how soft they were.

"You too," I responded stiffly, once again sending her a fleeting look. Just before I looked away, she cocked her head to the side, confusion crossing her features. However, I shifted my gaze too quickly to dwell on it.

"If you don't mind Kailee, can you leave. Tyler and I need to speak for a moment. If you wait outside, Tyler will be out in a second to show you about." James had an easy smile on his face as he spoke to Kailee. She nodded silently before getting up from her chair and leaving the room, being careful to close the door behind her.

"What is wrong with you?" James snapped as soon as the door was firmly in place.

"What do you mean?" I replied, confused.

"Why were you acting like that? Is it because she is a girl? Because I never picked you as..." However, I didn't let him finish what he was saying - already knowing where it was going.

"Of course it's not because she was a girl!" I defended myself, angry that he would even think that about me.

"Then act professionally and treat her with a little respect." James countered.

It was clear this was a time when he was showing his authority and I knew not to question it. "Yes Sir," I responded almost instantly.

"I thought I was going to have a hard time getting you to keep your hands off her, not getting you to be nice," James mumbled. I didn't respond, but instead kept my face neutral. James sighed before signalling for me to leave.

Running my hand over my face I left the room to be instantly met by Kailee. She was standing against the wall right outside of James' office. Her hands were tucked behind her back as if she was standing to attention.

Without a world, I signalled for her to follow me. She obeyed as we walked back into the main, open plan office area. "Here are our desks." As I spoke I gestured to the two desks placed next to each other creating one long desk. I swallowed audibly as my eyes swept across Gus' empty desk. It had never been like that. It used to always be scattered with various documents and case files - despite James' warning as most of the files were meant to be private.

"Ok," Kailee nodded as she too looked at the desks in front of us. Realising we had quickly, and unsurprisingly, run out of things to talk about the desks, I moved onto the small kitchen which was off the main office. Opening the cabinets I pointed inside. "Tea. Coffee." I stated simply. Waving my hand towards the other end of the kitchen, I said "Kettle." Walking out the kitchen I assumed she would follow me - I was right.

After the brief office tour, we returned to our desks where I planned to catch her up on all the cases Gus and I had been working on. Kailee pulled her chair up to my desk, so she was sitting right next to me. If I moved my leg less than an inch, our knees would be touching. Shifting my body away from hers, I went to grab the first case file. Just as I looked up, I locked eyes with Angus who was waggling his eyebrows at my playfully, and it finally hit me what he meant by the surprise.

Kailee was my damn surprise.

Rolling my eyes, I fought the urge to flip him off. However, in the end the urge won and I lifted my finger at him.


An: Sorry this is so short, I thought it was longer when I posted it.....

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