
751 14 0

{Fake s.m}
📍Dallas, Texas

"Honey I'm Home!"

What was she doing here?

"Hey, welcome to my home."
"It's nice yeah, what are you doing here Maddie?"
"Oh," Jacklyn backs away and let's Maddie come closer to me.

"Aren't you glad to see me?"
"Yeah I am, I'm uh just confused."
"I came here to talk to Jacklyn. What uh, what are you doing here?"
"I'm here to see her new place, catch up you know."

We awkwardly stand around the entrance till Jacklyn speaks up.

"Come, let's show you your room." I nod and follow her upstairs. Before getting to our room, she asked if I wanted to see the other rooms to which I said yes. I like the sound of her voice and I like seeing her excited over things, so why wouldn't I want to see the other rooms.

"And this is your room. It's the only guest room with a bed and fully decorated. Also, you're gonna have to share it with Maddie."
"Oh, yeah that's dope."
"I'll leave you to unpack."

She walks out and I turn over to the closet.

"Shawn?" I turn around and see Maddie standing by the door. I once liked her but those feelings just are the same anymore. I came down here to tell Jacklyn I loved her but Maddie's just gonna complicate things.
"I didn't just come here to talk to Jackie like a best friend and catch up thing. I came here to ask her if you and her were still together." I stare at her for a second. "And if she was to say that you guys weren't, I was gonna try and reach out to you." I stop whatever I'm doing and I walk over to her.
"What you're saying is that you like me?"
"What I'm saying is I made a HUGE mistake leaving you and that I miss you and I love you and I don't know what to do with myself without you."
"Maddie, I just don't,"

A loud "I'm home!" Booms through the hallways. Maddie and I walk out and down the hallway to the stair railings to see Jake kissing Jacklyn.

I didn't know they were back together.

"Who's Jeep is that?"
"That's Shawn's, he's visiting remember and you remember Maddie."
"She's visiting as well. They're upstairs unpacking if you want to say hi."

Maddie and I quickly and quietly run back to the room and pretend like she was helping me. She had already unpacked by the way.

"Hey guys." Jake walks in leaning on the wooden door. Ugh, I just want to wipe that smile off his face.
"So Jacklyn told me you guys are staying here,"
"That's correct."
"Maddie right?"
"And Shawn." I nod.
"Hey do you live here with her?" Thank God Maddie asked that because I don't think I could. Now, please say you don't!
"No, I do hang out here a bit and sometimes I stay over but I have my own place close to here actually." I sigh. Once again, Thank you God. "If you guys don't mind, I'm staying over tonight." I do mind actually.
"No that's fine." Maddie if you done get your ass,
"Cool. By the way, Jackie," just call her Jacklyn. "And I were planning on going to go to go eat out later if you guys would like to come,"
"That sounds amazing! What time? I have to get ready you know?"
"Probably around 4."

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