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{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

"Hi babe, we need to talk."
"Maddie, what a surprise, I though you were in Santa Monica."
"I was but after our call, I don't know I just felt like something just wasn't right."
"Shawn, you know I trust you, so I need to ask you one more time, did something happen between you and Jacklyn the other night?"
"No nothing hap,"
"Shawn, don't lie to me. Many people have lied to me, please don't be one of those."

I look her in the eyes for a moment.

"Maddie I'm so sorry I was drunk and,"
"Please stop talking! Stop! I can't believe you lied to me!"
"Maddie I'm sorry."
"No Shawn! Out of everyone in the world, i would've never though you'd cheat! You're disgusting! You're revolting! I can't even see you!"
"Woah you don't need to talk to me like that. I said was sorry."
"Right, you said you were sorry, that makes EVERYTHING better. Cheating? What's that? Shawn, sorry doesn't make ANYTHING better. You know what? I'm out. How stupid am I to think that you're still that same person."
"Maddie wait!"

She slams the door as she leaves. Immediately as she does that, Geoff walks in with a confused face.

"You ready to continue?"

{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

"Okay Steph is that everything I need?" Stephanie had come last minute in a silver dress. She looked like a dream. Right now she was packing a bag with makeup and perfume and a bunch of other stuff I'll most likely not need.
"Yes. I just need to call Andrew and see if Shawn is on his way because we are on a tight schedule and he only has 20 minutes to get dressed."

Shawn was supposed to be here 1 hour ago.

"I'm here! Just give me 5 minutes to shower and I'll get into my suit." Shawn walked in a little agitated but I didn't think much of it. It's probably just stress.

Sarah runs into his room with a clear bag. Inside there was a black suit with a black tie. Simple but elegant and I'm sure it will look amazing on him.

"How do I look?" Like he said, in 5 minutes he walked out in his suit.
"Could use some work but other than that you look great."

He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Okay damn."

He usually laughed at my sarcasm. Even rolled his eyes, playfully. With a smile. Did I do something wrong?

"Uh you look great Shawn. Jack, please bring the hair dryer, brushes and the gel. Lauren bring his makeup."

"Shawn how do I look?"
"Good." That's it? Good? Bro.

You know what? It probably is the stress.

"Perfect. Let's get you two out the door and onto that runway."

I nod and walk out the room.

"Hold on, when I walked in there were a lot of people outside with cameras, so hold my hand." I look down and hold onto his hand.

"Shawn who are you wearing!"
"Jacklyn your dress is amazing!"
"Jacklyn who are you wearing!"
"Can I get a picture!"
"Shawn is serving us big dick energy!"
"Jacklyn out here looking like a snack!"
"Shawn what song are you performing tonight!"
"Shawn over here!"
"Over here shawn please!"

Instead of answering all their questions and comments, we just smile and wave. Joe was waiting for us with Shawn's bodyguard inside the black van.

"Cool guys, you'll just walk the red carpet, take a few pictures, do a few interviews and then just enjoy the show!"

I nod smiling while Shawn looks out the window.

"Just be cool okay." He reassures me.

This was so cool. I've never been on a red carpet. Which was filled with celebrities. Including Nick Jonas, Taylor Swift, freaking Niall, Louis, Harry, and Liam, Bruno freaking Mars, Post Malone, Drake, Demi Lovato and so many more. It was really hard to keep my cool but I did it.

"Shawn Mendes c'mon and step over here." A girl that works for E! news gestures Shawn and I to walk over to her.
"Hi, Hello."
"Shawn Mendes looking great tonight and his girlfriend miss Jacklyn Black looking stunning!"
"Thank you very much, and she does doesn't she."

I smile and make a small pose.

"Thank you very much! You look stunning!"
"What are you wearing tonight?"
"Well my stylist actually designed this."
"It's gorgeous! Please ask her to make me one. And Shawn what are you wearing?"

He smiles at me and then at the interviewer.

"Oh just good old Armani."
"You make that sound so casual. But let's talk nominations. You're up for album of the year and artist of the year, two huge categories! How do you feel?"
"It's insane you know, a few years ago I was just a 15 year old boy making covers on YouTube and now I'm on the red carpet nominated for those amazing categories!"

I smile at his excitement.

"Jacklyn, we need to ask you about Shawn and his mystery girl. Do you know what I'm talking about?"
"Yeah. Her name is Madison and they're just friends. I had met her previously and I guess that picture was taken from a bad angle."
"Great to hear he isn't messing around and breaking girls hearts like that right! So next scandal, there was a rumor going around that you two had secretly been engaged AND you were pregnant!"
"Oh God no! We aren't engaged. I don't think we're there yet. Our relationship still feels a little new and I'm definitely not ready for kids so no I'm not pregnant."

The interview went on for a little more but eventually Steph and Andrew told us we had to take pictures.


I smiled and looked at every direction I was asked to look at. Steph kind of signaled me to kiss Shawn so I nodded and kissed him.

He looked at me and smiled then we just walked away.

"What the hell was that!"

Fake s.mWhere stories live. Discover now