
942 18 1

{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

After Jake and I's break up, I slept in all day. Luckily, my dress fitting wasn't till today, the next day.

"Good morning sunshine, tea?"
"Lol no, I'm a full time coffee girl."
"Gross. And also, that sounds like something Forever 21 would put on a shirt."
"Shawn please move your big hips so I can get some milk."
"You're talking about big hips?! Anyways, Did you tell Jake yet?"
"What did he say? Is he in there asleep?"
"He was cool, um he went back home because he has work and they said he had to cut his days short."
"Oh well that sucks."
"I guess, what did Maddie say?"
"She was heartbroken but she says it's okay because she knows it won't happen again and she's right."
"Right, right. I have to go, Sarah's waiting for me."
"Dress fitting?"
"Okay good luck, hopefully you can fit your hips into the dress."
"Be quiet Mendes."

Walking out into the lobby, a big guy greeted me.

"Hello Miss Black, my name is Joe and I will be your bodyguard. Ms. Stephanie sent me to take you to Sarah."
"Great, nice to meet you Joe. You already know me but, I'm Jacklyn, just want to be nice ya know?"
"Of course."

Joe drives me through all the traffic to downtown LA.

"Sarah's Office is that big black building."
"Thank you very much."
"No problem, this is my number, just call when you need me to take you back to the hotel."
"Again, Thank you."

I walk up the stairs into the building.

"Hello, I'm here to see Sarah."
"Name please."
"Jacklyn Black."
"Okay, just wait out here, I'll call miss Bales."

The short blonde walks down a short hallway leaving me in the waiting room.

Though it was black from the outside, the inside was white with pops of pink and grey. Very girly.

"Jackie honey!"
"Sarah it's so good to see you again. Last time I saw you, Shawn was annoyed."
"Right, I remember that. C'mon, we have a very fun time planned."
"So tell me, is the dress done and you just have to measure me or..?"
"Yes and no. The design is done we just need your measurements and you get to choose the color of the dress."
"Do you have a color in mind?"
"Red. It's always been my favorite color."
"Mine's yellow."
"My cousin loves that color."

We walked into a spacious room with two marble tables and a big mirror with a black platform in front of it. Two girls and one guy walked in and grabbed some measuring tape.

I wish I could've kept my mind on this. On getting a dress made for me. But my head was somewhere else. Jake.

"Is anything wrong hun? Do you not like the fabric?"
"No it's not that Sarah. Don't tell anyone but, I was dating this other guy, Jake. He was my friend and I messed everything up by kissing Shawn."
"How long were you dating him for?"
"A few months."
"Did Shawn tell him girlfriend too?"
"Yeah. We promised each other we would tell our boyfriend and girlfriend."
"Oh no. What did Shawn do when you told him."
"I didn't. I didn't tell him the truth."
"Well what did you tell him?"
"That Jake was okay with it and that he had gone back home. Oh and he was in LA for a while."
"I think you should tell Shawn the truth."
"Why? It doesn't really matter to him."
"He's gonna find out anyways."
"He won't. I'll make sure he doesn't."
"You're digging yourself a pretty deep hole here."
"I know."
"Please turn around, I need to measure this arm."

I'm just not gonna tell Shawn. I'm sure he'll forget. And maybe I can tell him Jake and I broke up because of distance. Yeah, I'll tell him another day.

"Now this isn't the finished product but, it's pretty much the finished product." She shows me a drawing of a flowing red dress which flowers on the boob area. The straps were around my arms rather than my shoulders and a small belt wrapped around the waist with small diamonds. It was perfect.

"I can't wait to see it in real life. I can't wait to wear it!"
"You'll get to try it on in a few days hopefully. I've got my team started on the dress."
"Thank you so much Sarah. Truly, you are incredible."
"Aw Jacklyn, you're gonna make me mess up my mascara. I'm just happy you love it."
"I truly do."
"Okay then. I'll see you here in three to four days okay."
"You can go now."
"How much do I owe you?"
"Oh honey nothing. Shawn's team pays for all of this."
"Alright, Thank you Shawn's team then. I'll see you in a few days."
"Bye dear."

I pull out Joes card and dial his number.

I'm so excited for the AMAs. I don't think I can wait another two weeks to be honest. I've never been on a red carpet before so this might be fun you know? Hopefully I don't pull a Shawn and trip. That would be embarrassing.

"Miss Black!"
"Hello Joe."

The car ride was nice. Joe told me a little about himself and I told him a little about myself. I learned he has two kids. A boy and a girl.

"How was Sarah."
"It was cool. The dress is just so beautiful. I can't wait for you to see it."
"You've already seen it? Didn't she just design it?"
"There was an idea and she just fixed it a big, made some changes and added stuff. They're making it now."
"She works fast."
"She does."
"Anyways, I'll see you later, Maddie and I are going to the movies."
"Make sure you're not seen."
"I will."

Cool, now where's the ice cream and where are the movies?

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