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{Fake s.m}
📍Toronto, Canada

"Andrew please, just one day."
"No Shawn, you'll confuse the people."
"But we won't. We'll just tell them we're friends, c'mon Andrew."
"I'll talk to Lana. If she says you're allowed then you are allowed."
"Thank you."
"Shawn, when I set this stunt up for you, I never expected for you to fall in love. I expected you to freak out and make me cancel all of this. I don't even know what to do with you anymore. I want you to be able to love and be the happiest you can be, but legally, you aren't allowed to love. And excuse my language but that's fucked up."
"I know! Andrew, she's everything to me. And ever since the night of the breakup interview, when I drunk called Jacklyn,"
"You what?"
"Listen, ever since that day, my feelings for her were solidified. I truly love her. And I'm pretty sure she doesn't remember that phone call or at least she doesn't think I remember it."
"I might get into trouble but I'll get through it, go get her. Go to Dallas and tell her you love her."
"Andrew please be realistic...I need to pack first."

{Fake s.m}
📍Dallas, Texas


It had been like 3 days after I moved in to this amazing house. Yesterday, Jake and I met up for lunch, and dinner and I guess now breakfast. You know since he stayed over. And things went down. OKAY you get the picture. We are now dating. Ever since the Jimmy interview, we started texting again, then calling, then FaceTiming, then going on dates and now sleeping at each other's house.

It's been wonderful. He's amazing and I feel like shit for doing what I did.

"Here are your eggs and your iced coffee."
"Bro you ain't gotta do that."
"But I do. You deserve this and much more."
"I disagree. But thank you anyways."

*ding ding*

"Who's that?"
"I don't know, hand me my phone." He unplugs my phone and rolls his eyes. "I have a strong suspicion it's Shawn by the look on your face."
"Ding ding."



Yes Mr. Mendes?

Okay so I was wondering....


Can I come over? I really want to talk to you?

Why of course mi casa is your casa

Read at 8:23am

That was such a white girl thing to say I'm so sorry my dear ancestors

You're so dumb


"He's just asking if he can come over."
"He's Coming isn't he?"
"Is that a problem?"
"Of course not. I'm confident enough in our relationship." He comes closer to me and stands in between my legs and he kisses me. Ima keep it real with you chief, It sent shiver down my spine.
"You know I like you right?"
"Right. All right I'm gonna take off. My shift starts in like 10 minutes. I'll see you later." He kisses me once again before he leaves.

*knock knock*

I stand up from the kitchen island and walk over to the door to meet.....


"Can I come in?" Right after that, she walks right in.
"Yeah sure, c'mon in."

She looks around takes a deep breath and sits.

"I have a question, how did you find my house?"
"You're 'Fandom' talks. It wasn't hard to find you. Sorry if that sounds creepy by the way."
"No, not creepy at all. So, why are you here?"
"Are you and Shawn still together?"
"No, we broke up a while ago. I'm back with Jake, remember him?"
"Great! And I thought Jake and you made a really good couple. It's great to hear you guys are back together."
"Why the question?"
"I've like really been thinking about Shawn. And I miss him and I shouldn't have dumped him."
"You know what? He texted me earlier asking if he could come but I have no idea when he'll be here."
"Oh please call him."
"Sure. If he says he'll be here soon would you like to stay here or do you have a place that you're currently staying?"
"To be honest with you, I just landed from Canada and I have no idea where anything is but your house."
"Cool, so I'll show you to your room after this call."
"Thank you, but please don't mention me. I want it to be a surprise."



Hey, um I'm just wondering when you'll be here, I just you know want to get your room ready, ya know?

Oh yeah, I'm at the airport right now. A flight from LA to Dallas is 2 hours so it won't be long.

Okay cool, I'll see you later than




"There you go, he'll be here soon."
"Yay! Omg Okay, what room am I staying in?"
"Follow me."

I take her upstairs and to the room across mine.

It was a pretty large room, the only room with a bed aside from mine of course. It had a pinkish theme. And ugh I know, now that I think about it, I low key hate myself for having a theme in every room but what's done is done.

"If you don't mind, Shawn will be staying in this one too."
"Are you kidding? This is great, thank you, once again."
"No problem. And hey if you let me, I'll show you around the house. It's just, I'm very excited about having a house and getting to decorate every room."
"I'm down. I love interior decorating."
"Cool follow me."

The house had 4 bedrooms, 1 office, 3 bathrooms, and 2 garages. One of the bathrooms is in my room, another one was in the biggest guest room and the other two were in the hallway.

2 bedrooms I kept as guest rooms, one was the master bedroom and one of them I turned into a game room, you know Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Mario Kart and plain Mario, and pool. The office I kept as an office and one of the garages was turned into a gym.

Not bad for a girl my age.

"How could you afford a house this great?"
"Well you know this is Texas and houses a pretty cheap compared to Canada or LA."
"Nice, maybe I should move out here."
"If that's what you want then do it, move out here."

Soon enough, and by soon enough I mean 3 hours later, Shawn arrived. I looked out the window and saw a black Jeep rental which had to be him because that's also the car he has back in his home town.

"Honey I'm home!"

Fake s.mWhere stories live. Discover now