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{Fake s.m}
📍Los Angeles, California

After Jacklyn and I's stupid fight, I flew back to LA.

Andrew had come to pick me up. No smile on his face because, I'm guessing, he knows I was in Dallas.

The next day, he picked me up again to go into the Universal offices to meet up with the CEO and the marketing department.

"Now that you are back, we need to do lots of promoting towards your album. I'm thinking, flower arrangements in different cities with different song titles and billboards."
"Sounds cool."

We pulled up to the building and walked up to the door.

Alice, the receptionist, greeted us and lead us into David's office.

"Shawn, nice to see you again." He stands from his desk and hugs me.
"Nice to see you too. I'm very excited to see what kind of ideas y'all have."
"I guess out of everything Jacklyn did, "y'all" stuck around."

David chuckles and so does Andrew. Only his sounds nervous.

"You didn't go to Dallas did you?" Andrew whispers in my ear.
"No." I shake my head.

"Anyways, this is Mary and Jackson. They will be in charge of promoting your album. But do you have any ideas before they start."
"I talked to Shawn earlier about flower arrangements in different cities with different song titles and billboards."
"Sounds wonderful. Mary, Jackson, any other ideas."

I look over to look at a short bubbly blonde and a tall black haired boy.

"The flower arrangements are a definite yes. But Jackson and I were also thinking blimps? Something different. Also maybe Snapchat filters with song lyrics."
"Yeah and maybe secret sessions."

I really like the secret sessions idea. It would be great to have a few select fans hear my album.

"Very good ideas guys. I'll get Alice to get some contracts and pens and we'll write all of this down."

It took us about an hour to finally settle on what we were gonna do. The flowers and the secret sessions. I was told, or the contract said, I wasn't allowed to have a girlfriend between the time of promoting and the album release. It was easy. Jacklyn and I were over. I think. It's all kind of confusing to me at the moment.

"Anyways Shawn, I didn't want to mention this in front of David but I know you were in Dallas."
"Who told you?"
"I saw pictures of you at a fair. I did some investigating and it was the Texas State fair you were at, no?"
"Yeah, you're right."
"I just don't know what to do with you Shawn. You just can't be with Jacklyn and that's it."
"She's mad at me anyways so,"
"Hopefully that gets you away from her."


I'm just gonna call her and find out if we're cool and if we aren't then maybe I can sort this out?

"Get some rest, I'll come pick you up later with Geoff so we can decide on what cities to do for tour and the secret sessions."

I jump out of the car and go up to my room.

*ring ring*



Hey, how are you doing?

I'm fine. I'm on my way back home

Where'd you go?

Jake had called me earlier to see if we could talk and have lunch


What are you doing?

Why'd you get mad when I mentioned Maddie?

And our conversation is ruined

I'm serious, it's not like we're in a relationship or anything

I think I'm gonna hang up. Jake's calling me

Okay that's rude

How's it rude? It's not like we're in a relationship or anything

Jacklyn please don't,


I think my favorite thing in life is screwing things up. It's everything I do anyways.

{Fake s.m}
📍Dallas, Texas

I throw my phone onto the couch and sigh. I'm so stupid for thinking we were headed into a relationship. Or at least something more you know?

"Uh Jacklyn?" I look up and see Jake holding my sweatshirt.
"Guess I forgot to lock the door."
"You always do."
"Thank you so much."
"Yeah, anything for you."
"You're so sweet."
"You look stressed, you all right?"
"Yeah, um I was just talking to Shawn and we got in a stupid fight."
"I'd be pretty stressed too if I was talking to Shawn."

I look at him with warm eyes and smile.

"It's not the same reason though."
"Yeah I guess. Anyways, I'm gonna get back home, it's getting pretty late."
"No, please stay."
"Jacklyn please,"
"I'm serious, I want you to stay."
"Only for tonight Okay?"

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