Chapter five

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Jack's P.O.V

2 months ago

"You nearly done yet Andy?" I shout through the bathroom door, he's been in there ages, no reply. "Andy?" I knock harder on the door, trying that handle, it's locked.

After 5 minutes he still hasn't opened the door, he's still not said a word. I know something is definitely wrong, I have to get in there. Now.

I start kicking the door as hard as I can my foot throbbing with pain. The lock finally breaks and the door swings upon. I run in to see Andy sat unconscious on the floor surrounded by a puddle of his own blood.

"ANDY!" I run to his side, oh god! He's passed out, I get my phone and ring an ambulance.

"Jack..." his voice quivers as he wakes up in the hospital bed 2 hours later,
"You're awake! Finally, I'm so glad..." I hug him gently.
"Did yo... you see?" He bites his lip staring into my eyes. I just nod. Tears start falling from his eyes, "I'm sorry Jack, but promise you won't say anything to the others, especially not Rye, please..." he cries. I don't know what to do, I want to help him but there's nothing I can do without telling anyone.

"I want to help you Andy,"
"I don't need your help I'm fine," he whimpers
"You clearly aren't, please let me help,"
"Ok, I'll stop only if you promise to not tell anyone."
"O... ok I promise."

(End of Flashback)
Day 4 without Andy

I never thought I'd break that promise but here I am today, in the living room telling the police officer and Brook everything. I thought Andy had stopped I hoped he had. I never found out why he did it, maybe it's the same reason he ran away. If only I would've asked him more, if only I could've saved him.

"Thank you for all of that Jack," the officer smiles "We'll be doing more research and hold a few more searches in the meantime. You know where to find us and we'll tell you if we find any evidence. And it would be great if as soon as possible you can get Ryan down to the station as we still need to interview him."

We say goodbye to the officer and go back into the living room. Rye's still locked in his room he didn't come out at all yesterday. We tried to persuade him to talk to the police but he said he couldn't which is understandable.

Mikey just left after he'd been interviewed to go to the shops to get food. It's just me and Brook in the living room, laid across the sofa. I don't want to look at him, I don't want him to hate me like Rye does, like I now hate myself. I could've saved him, now anything could've happened to him. He could've done anything.

"Hmm?" I mumble,
"You did the right thing you know,"
"What?" I look up at him,
"You kept his promise, I think that must've meant a lot to him."
"But I could've stopped him running away."
"I don't think you could have stopped him... you did the best think you could by just been there for him."

"Love you Brook,"
"Love you too Jack..."

Heyyy sorry I couldn't update yesterday but I'm back with a lil flashback and a bit of Jacklyn x
I'll update again asap x
Thanks for reading x
Hope you enjoyed this chapter x

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