13. Unexpected Refuge

Start from the beginning

Him begging you to shoot him was heartbreaking, this fragile-looking old man was asking for a way to leave this world before he turned.

"You can stay here, in my house," he started coughing violently and a bit of blood came up too. He didn't have long left. "We have horses in the barn, the water in the well is fresh enough, just make sure you boil it before drinking and make sure no Biters are trapped down there. We have plenty of food in the basement and medical supplies too."

You felt happy and sad at the same time that he was offering you all to stay and live in his house even after he had been killed. He turned to look at Jungkook and the others with a sad expression, "You have a beautiful young woman with you. Protect her, there are plenty of men in this world that would want to do horrible things to her."

It made you nervous what he was implying and you fidgeted slightly feeling more relieved than ever you had seven strong and trusted guys with you. Without another word you passed him your pistol, patted him on the shoulder then left the room. The boys followed you, closing the door quietly behind you.

The mood was sombre and down and you didn't want to be in the house when the trigger was pulled. So, you went back outside and towards the barn. You pulled open the wooden door and saw a sight that made you almost explode with happiness and excitement.

Five horses were in their stables looking alertly at you with their ears pricked with alertness. Moving closer you noted how they were all in very good condition. They must've been looked after very well. Before they died, your family had horses, it was nice to see an animal you were so familiar with.

You found some slices of hay and threw them over the door to each one. You continued to explore the barn; you found some old fashioned ploughing equipment and tack for all the horses. You guessed the farmer was old fashioned which was probably why he was able to stay here for so long. They must be self sufficient.

"How are you doing?" Jungkook spoke from behind you making you jump. He chuckled and walked over to you patting one of the horses on the way. Hay falling out of its mouth as it ate happily.

"Alright, I guess," you replied, "At least now we have somewhere to stay now. We do need to get the Biter bodies out as soon as possible the place will stink otherwise."

"Yeah," he agreed chuckling, "Do you like horses?"

"Yep," you nodded walking over to the one he was patting, "My family had horses so learnt to ride when I was young."

"Sounds nice."

"It was," you nodded, "What about you? Where did you grow up?"

"Busan," he told you calmly, "Never got a chance to learn to ride. Would've liked to though, my family lived in one of those Military camps set up in the city when the Infection started."

"I've always preferred the country to city life, it's too polluted." You admitted smiling slightly.

"Me too," he nodded, "I liked living in the city growing up but being out here is so much nicer, everything is so green and clean. The views are so pretty as well."

"Understandable," you agreed. You were enjoying getting to know him a little better, "There's less people too."

He was about to continue when a muffled gunshot sounded from inside the house. You both froze and glance over towards the sound. The horses all looked around for a moment before settling back into their hay.

You met his eyes, "I guess we better... you know," you gestured with your head towards the house unsure of how to end the sentence.

"Yeah," he replied his voice sounding sad. You sighed and left the barn with him behind you and back up to the house.

The others were sat in the living room, they stood up when you entered waiting for you to tell them what to do.

"I guess we better clean the place up, don't bother scrubbing carpets, if they have blood on them cut patches out and throw them outside somewhere to burn."

"What about the dead guy?" Yoongi asked very bluntly.

"We can find somewhere to bury him, he would've wanted that I think," You replied to his question.

"I can start on the hole," Jungkook volunteered, "Around the back of the barn maybe." You nodded.

"I'll go through the supplies and work out how much we have," Jin volunteered, "The man mentioned they had more supplies."

"The rest of us will get started on cleaning up," Namjoon spoke for everyone else.

"Nice, then let's do this." You watched as the group dispersed starting their different jobs.

"Y/n, if we're staying here, do you think we should have somewhere we can have a lookout?" Taehyung asked brushing his brown hair off his face.

"Yes, that's good idea. I'll get started on that now, don't worry I'll try and make it comfortable for you." He smiled and walked away to help the others dispose of the Biter bodies.

You found a ladder in the barn and propped it up against the wall on the balcony attached to one of the rooms. Carefully, you climbed up onto the roof and surveyed the surrounding fields, everything seemed quiet, you just hoped it stayed like that.

This house seemed like the ideal place to live in a world like this. It had protection, supplies in the basement, water and the prospect of growing food. As long as you weren't raided by anyone everything would be alright.

The possibility of staying here, long term, made you excited.

You scanned the side of the field you had entered from thinking. You hadn't seen or heard any signs that Baehyun was following you. You were surprised that he wasn't, after the stunt you pulled getting your guys out and the incident with his family, you were 100% sure he would try and kill you.

You just hoped he didn't, you didn't want the boys to put their lives on the line for something you did over a month ago. You couldn't control what Baehyun was going to do but you could make sure you were ready if he did come.

Jungkook is one fine mannnnn, in the picture at the top he's natural and still beautiful. I hope everyone is doing alright and enjoying the story, you know what to do if you did.

Lotta love

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