11. Everything's changed

Start from the beginning

Baehyun was talking to Jungkook when you reached a decent place on the balcony. Your boys were kneeling down on the floor and the rest of Baehyun's men were dotted around in a rough semi-circle. You ducked behind some crates and watched holding your breath.

They looked unharmed as far as you could see, apart from bleeding lips or noses from the ones who'd put up a fight.

You loaded your bow and waited for the right moment then you spotted the wire that connected the lights in the warehouse, getting an idea you turned your attention back to the boys.

"Did dear Y/n come here? I really need to talk to her," Baehyun asked Jungkook casually.

"Who the heck is Y/n?" Jungkook replied looking confused and annoyed. You smirked at Jungkook's annoyed answer. There was a sound of someone getting punched and you stopped grinning.
You guessed Baehyun had punched Jungkook when you braved another glance over the box you saw Jungkook had bent over in pain.

Baehyun brought his gun out and aimed it at Namjoon's head, "Tell me where she is or he dies!"

You knew Baehyun wasn't bluffing he'd kill them one by one if they didn't start speaking. You knelt up and took aim at Baehyuns chest, right on his heart. You took a deep breath in and held it ready to fire.

"We'd never give her up," came Namjoon's determined voice, "Unlike you were treated her like a human and gave her a second chance. If she's smart she'll be far away from here by now."

You smirked before releasing your breath and letting your arrow fly. It hit Baehyun deep in his left shoulder, he stumbled backwards in pain dropping his pistol.

"RUN!" You shouted to the boys throwing smoke to hide them and the grenade towards Baehyun's men. You cut the lighting wire with your knife plunging the Warehouse into darkness causing even more chaos.

Hopefully it'd be a big enough distraction for Namjoon and the others to get away.

You got up and sprinted the way you came. There was lots of confused shouting and bullets landing on the wall behind you. One hit the barrier and you skidded slightly but didn't stop running, keeping your head down.

At the bottom of the stairs, you rejoined with the boys and headed for the back door.

"LET'S GO!" You scooped up the supply bag and saw Jimin grab the bag of guns.

The eight of you sprinted across the field and into the forest. Baehyun and his men were left confused as you disappeared into the trees.

You kept running until you were far away from the Warehouse and you thought it was safe to stop.

"How'd you do that?" Taehyung asked leaning against a tree trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, I thought they would've seen you, how did you escape?" Jimin added clutching at a stitch in his side.

"I was asleep when they turned up, managed to get into the gun room and just played dead if someone walked past me," you explained passing round a bottle of water that had been in your bag.

"Wow, you're good," Jungkook complimented smiling impressed.

You shrugged, "It wasn't difficult, they aren't the brightest bunch."

You began to pack your bag back up and slung it over your shoulder, "Where are you going?" Yoongi asked stepping forward and grabbing the back of your shirt gently.

"I told you all I was leaving, I guess I'm still going to," you admitted sadly.

"Well, we're coming with you," Hobi spoke for everyone taking a step closer to you.

You shook your head, "But, what about your Warehouse?"

The group looked at Namjoon, who shrugged, "We have nothing for us there anymore. Where are you planning to go?"

You thought for a moment realising you didn't actually know where you were planning to go. "I'm not sure, look for some kind of a secure place. Something like that I guess."

"Can we come?" Namjoon asked quietly, he looked like a tired leader who had run out of ideas.

You thought for a moment, did you really want these guys to come with you? Half of them had admitted to wanting you dead when you first met but had changed their minds since then. You weighed up the pros and cons.

-They'd be able to protect you better than you would be able to protect yourself.
-Safety in numbers and all that.
-You'd saved Jimin and Jungkook's lives and rescued them from Baehyun so they were all pretty grateful.

So, Maybe if you all joined together you would, eventually, form bonds and actually, trust them like family. They were all also pretty hot but that was irrelevant!

-You weren't sure if you still hated Jungkook or not.
-You were worried about getting too attached to them and then someone getting bitten or shot, attachments were dangerous.

Apart from that, you couldn't think of any more cons.

You looked at the bloody, bruised faces of the men around you. They all had the same look of plea in their eyes. They had no home left, nowhere to go if you said no. They'd be stuck with no supplies just waiting to get attached by Biters or Baehyun.

You nodded hoping you wouldn't regret the decision later on, "Yeah, sure. Why not?"

They smiled in relief and physically relaxed. Jungkook slipped your bag off your shoulder and held it himself a small smile of gratefulness on his face.

"Lead the way, Y/n," Jin spoke sounding relieved and excited about the new partnership.

You didn't really know Jin very well. It was arranged that you were going to have a day with him working in the kitchen and gardens but due to the Biter attack, you didn't get the chance. You'd get the chance to bond with him at some point.

You nodded again feeling confident in your new group, you started walking and were followed by your new group of trusted members.

Heya guys, I hope you're enjoying this story. Fun fact: I've had it in my unposted stories for ages. I really should post more of the random stories I've written.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did you know what to do.

Lotta love

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