"Jungkook?" You asked quietly breaking the silence.

"Yeah," he answered not even sounding breathless even though he had been carrying you for a while.

"When we get back to the Warehouse I'm getting some supplies then I'm leaving. I'm not staying in a place where I'm not wanted or trusted." You'd had a long time to think last night and you decided it was probably for the best.

People would be suspicious about the random who'd turned up and the Warehouse had been attacked a matter of days later.

"Oh," he sounded slightly disappointed, "Well, it's your choice. I'm just disappointed as I've just started to trust you. I think we could've been a good team."

You didn't reply just listened to the steady beating of his heart under his shirt. It was a comforting, relaxing sound that could easily send you to sleep.


"We're here," he spoke quietly.

You felt yourself return to consciousness at his words. He'd managed to rock you to sleep while he walked, his steady heartbeat singing you to sleep like a lullaby.

You looked over and saw bodies all over the floor, human and Biters. Smoke was spilling up from the Warehouse and you assumed it was one of the doors when it was blown up.

"I hope the others made it," you voiced aloud. He didn't reply clearly hoping the same himself. You slid out of his arms and passed him back the gun.

When you walked closer you saw section of the metal fence that'd been blown up. There was a truck-sized hole in it and the edges were curved up and blackened. That must've been how the Biters got through.

You entered the main room and saw complete destruction, tents were destroyed and looked like they'd burned in the night. There were more bodies in here men, woman and children lying in various different positions, blood surrounding them. You both walked slowly peering at each looking for a familiar face.

Part of you was relieved when you didn't see anyone you knew but at the same time you were sad. It was such a waste of innocent life. It made you sad so you tore your eyes off them.

"NAMJOON, TAEHYUNG, JIMIN," Jungkook called out next to you. "HOBI, YOONGI, JIN HYUNG. Anyone?"

You could hear the pain in his voice as it broke, you took hold of his hand and squeezed it comfortingly. You couldn't imagine how he was feeling right now.

"Let's keep looking," you said determinedly as he let you pull him through the broken Warehouse.

You spotted movement at the top of the stairs, there was a crowd of six Biters attempting to break down the door of Namjoon's office. You took Jungkook's gun and shot all of them trying not to use too many bullets.

You jogged up the stairs pointing the gun at the door. They'd been trying to get inside Namjoon's office and that must mean someone was trapped inside. Jungkook seemed to be on your wavelength, you shot the lock and he kicked it in hard. You ran in first, gun raised, ready to shoot.

"WOAH WOAH!" Jungkook grabbed your shoulders quickly. Namjoon, Jin, Hobi, Jimin, Tae and Yoongi were all on the other side pointing guns at you and hiding behind the desk. They relaxed when they recognised who it was.

"You're alive," Jungkook ran at them and pulled them all into a group hug. You felt slightly awkward on the sideline, but you were happy Jungkook found his friends.

"How are you still alive?" Taehyung asked surprised, "There were hundreds of them. We all went into the frost and hid down by the river. What happened to you guys?"

Jungkook turned to look at you a fond glint in his eyes, "It was all, Y/n. She saved my life."

There was a stunned silence. Jungkook had been the one most keen on letting you die and now he was saying you saved his life. The group looked shocked that he was suddenly admitting you'd saved him. You nodded when they all looked at you, "It's a bit more complimented than that."

"What happened?" Namjoon's asked leaning against his desk and surveying you closely.

"I got knocked out by a Changer, there was a horde of about a thousand coming and Y/n hid the both of us in a car. She stayed awake all night until they passed. I woke up and carried her back here as she was exhausted."

They looked at you impressed and looking happy you'd saved their youngest member.

"Wow," Yoongi breathed gazing at you steadily.

"That must have been terrible, awake all night with those terrible things making their horrible noises," Jimin stated, you nodded the memory still fresh in your head.

"Thank you so much Y/n, you've saved Jungkook and Jimin now. What can we do to repay you?" Jin smiled slightly looking pleadingly at you.

"I'm leaving," you said simply, "I'm not staying in a place where I'm not fully trusted and watched constantly without a weapon," Their smiles faded slightly their eyes going blank, "This is your place and I'm sorry for everything that's happened but I think we'll all be better off if I'm on my own."

"It's understandable, sad but understandable," Namjoon nodded, "But if you wanted to change..."

"I'm not changing my mind," you cut him off, "Just let me have some supplies and I'll be on my way," you argued ignoring the guilty feeling in your stomach.

"Y/n, you're exhausted. At least stay and get some sleep, food and go after that," Hobi suggested hopefully.

The offer was very tempting. You'd only eaten a few bites of dinner the previous night before the horde attack.

"Fine, But I want my bow and arrows, knife and pistol back."


You'd been given your weapons back and a bag had been packed for you with enough water and food for you. You were currently dozing off in your tent that, to your surprise, hadn't been completely trashed.

The boys weren't far away still trying to tidy up the Warehouse. You spotted Jungkook glancing at you through your steadily closing eyes before falling into a deep sleep.

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