"I'll try," you muttered getting up, dinner was going to start soon and you didn't want to miss it.

"Thank you, Y/n. Your next trail will be with Jin but I'll give you more information on that tomorrow," Namjoon nodded.

You smiled slightly to him heading to the door, "Thanks Namjoon, see you later."

"Enjoy dinner."

You hopped down the metal stairs and looked around for some space to eat. You could see from the bottom of the stairs there was almost no food left. The one downfall about being here was food ran out quickly if you weren't down here straight away. You were about to make your way over to your tent thinking you were too late, but someone got your attention.

"Y/N!" Jimin called over to you beckoning with his hand. You looked over and saw him and the others sat at a small table. He held up a plate of food, "I already got you some ." You smiled feeling relieved that you weren't going to go hungry tonight.

"Thanks, Jimin," You replied sitting next to him and feeling more confident in your friendship with him.

"You're welcome," he nodded going back to eating his own food.

"Jimin, you can stop kissing her ass now," Jungkook complained making everyone stop and look at him. "What? We all know you wouldn't be doing this if she didn't save your life the other day."

"Jungkook-ah," Jin complained, "Y/n, saved his life he should be kissing her ass."

"Yeah, she could have missed and hit him," Taehyung added casually, "Not that should would she's got too aim."

You felt inwardly proud with yourself at Taehyung's compliment. The fact that the others were sticking up for you made you feel a little better too. They didn't have to.

"It was so close." Hobi held up his fingers showing the distance your arrow had been from Jimin's head.

"Yeah, whatever," Jungkook rolled his eyes ripping his bread angrily, "I still don't trust her."

"What if Y/n saved you?" Yoongi surprisingly defended you not looking at any of them but continuing to eat.

"Then, of course, I'd trust her but I'm just saying she could've hit him if she wanted to."

"And she didn't so drop it," Yoongi still didn't look at any of them.

You rolled your eyes continuing to eat. Jungkook was probably annoyed because Namjoon had let you keep the bow and arrows. They were locked in the gun room with the rest of the weapons with your name written on the wall above them. Jungkook really hadn't been pleased.

There was suddenly a deafening explosion from the doorway causing the doors to fall of their hinges. Dust and smoke flew into the air covering the doorway from view. There were screams from the people nearest them, some began sprinting away shouting.

You and the others got to your feet quickly to see hundreds of Biter's sprinting through the doors attacking people.

"Run! Get back!" Jungkook shouted pulling his rifle up and shooting the Biters at the front of the horde.

You and the others began running back trying not to crash into other people. Namjoon was at the bottom of the stairs looking around at the scene with worried eyes.

"What do we do?" Taehyung asked urgently. Namjoon didn't respond for a second just looked shocked at the hundreds of Biters sprinting nonstop through the door.

"Run, hide, go into the forest if you have to, but stay hidden. You all better survive until morning!"

They all nodded and ran away, you turned back to get Jungkook who was surrounded by Biters. He was about to be over run. You groaned running over and grabbed the neck of one about to grab him from behind. You picked up a stray dinner knife and stabbed it in the eye, juices and blood squirted out and flicked droplets all over your clothes.

"Jungkook, come on!" You shouted grabbing his elbow, "Namjoon ordered everyone into the forest let's go!"

There was a millisecond gap in the oncoming Biters where you and Jungkook turned and sprinted back towards the emergency door. You'd lost sight of the others but hoped to see them again when all the chaos was over.

You were meters from the door when something grabbed your ankle and you crashed face-first onto the floor. You rolled over onto your back and saw a Biter had grabbed your leg. It climbed up you snapping it's jaws in an attempt to bite your flesh.

You noticed there was a leather collar attached to it's neck as if it'd been led here. Thinking you would worry about it later you screamed pushing as hard as you could against it. A foot came out of nowhere and side kicked it in the head.

Jungkook had reappeared out of thin air and shot it in the head then helped you to your feet. "You get bitten?" he asked quickly.

"No," You replied slightly breathlessly wiping blood off your hands. 

"Good," he nodded, "We need to hide, come on!"

You followed him out of the emergency door and out into the dark forest.

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