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***4 Years Later***

"What the hell is this?" Theo asked, furious at what he was reading. 

It was their latest credit card bill, and it was a sight to see. 2,000 dollars spent on shoes, 1,000 on a bag. Don't even get him started on clothes itself. He placed the paper on the table and looked at Serena who was too busy reading a Vogue magazine to even notice his anger.

"Serena! Did you hear me?" He asked aloud.

"Obviously not." She replied, looking up from her magazine.

"What the hell is all this? Why are you spending all this money? This is ridiculous! Don't you have an ounce of self-restraint?" Theo asked, still mortified at the numbers he saw. 

"You promised me that you would give me whatever I want if I stayed with you. To make me the happiest woman as long as I kept you happy." 

Theo rolled his eyes in annoyance. At first he was happy with Serena. He had no regrets when it came to her. But as time passed her true colors started to show. She was only into him for the money. He believed in her act, and decided to make the biggest mistake of his life. Now, there was no going back in this. 

Once his family found out that he left his wife for a mistress they ignored him for months. No phone calls, no visits. He was left all alone. Finally, after ignoring him for 1 whole year they contacted him. But with information he was shocked to hear. 

"As much as a disappointment you are to this family. I guess you did something good." His father stated, when they were on the phone.

"Serena's family has a strong business over oil-trading, and we wish to be apart of that."

"Wai-" Theo started, but his father cut him off.

"Thanks to you, we are able to put a partnership of the company into her family business. It's going well. Trades here and there. But there is one condition."

"That being?" 

"From Serena and her family themselves. As long as the relationship between you 2 is still there the partnership will continue. But the minute you 2 break it off so will the partnership. Meaning we might take a plunge. Our company could fall big time since so much money was invested into it."

"Dad, why the hell would you make this deal."

"Oh.. no.. I didn't make the deal. You did. Under your name."

Theo's skin turned cold.

"You see the whole year ignoring you, we decided to split the company off. You get half and the rest of our family gets the other half. And we decided to sign in your half to this partnership. So if this relationship fails. so does the partnership. and so does your part of the company."

"I never wanted this!"

"We never wanted you to leave Adeline for a mistress. But then that happened. See this as a way to definitely make sure that you are capable of keeping a relationship, and if you were to find another mistress. You can never leave her. Can't you see son? We're helping you." His father said in a mocking tone. And hung up on him. 

"Damn it." Theo hissed, as he walked to his study room.

This was a mistake. All of this. He was a fool. But now there is no going back. His family left him in the dark. Sure they talk to him on the phone once in a while, but that was it. He was never invited to his parents 30th anniversary party, his sister and brothers' wedding, her baby shower, and even to holiday meet-ups like thanksgiving dinner, christmas morning brunch. He was all alone. 

Theo plopped onto his chair and ran his hand through his hair. How he wished he could go back in time and change his actions. He would tell himself to not fall for Serena's acting, to cherish his wife, and to celebrate their love with their baby.. Their Baby.. He never heard news about the baby. Or Adeline. 

His father called him the next day, since Adeline called him. He remembers him yelling. Not even wanting to hear Theo's side of the story. He said Adeline left, and that the house was a mess. She left no trace behind. And then when Theo offered to hire a PI to look for her to make sure she was okay his father told him no. His father told him that he doesn't deserve to know where Adeline is. He didn't want Theo to look for her, and disrupt the time she needed alone. So now Theo is left, wondering how she is. How the baby is. Was it a boy or girl? Did it have her raven black hair or his brown hair? His green eyes or her warm brown eyes.  He will never know.

Theo then picked up a file he had on his desk, and went back to work. But even that was short lived when his phone started to ring. He looked and saw that it was his brother calling.

"Hey Sean. What's up?"

"As much as I hate you and hate the idea of calling you... Katerina insisted on calling you." Sean started.

Theo frowned at his brother's tone.

"It's Kat. She's in the hospital. There's something wrong with the baby."

"What? Where is she?"

"They're in Seattle. For vacation. She fainted all of a sudden."

"What hospital?" He asked, as he stood up ready to fly out to see his sister.

"Seattle Children's Hospital."


Theo and Serena walked through the halls of the hospital, trying to find Kat's room. Well, actually more like Theo was looking while Serena was slowly walking from behind, too busy reading the texts on her phone. Finally, he found her room and barged in. He felt awkward seeing that there were doctors talking to his family. Their backs were to him. But for some weird reason his family looked shocked.

"This is my son Theo.. Well, actually. You already know that." His mom muttered under her breath.

He was confused at what she was saying. Before he could ask, his father announced.

"Theo. I would like for you to meet Kat's surgeon and good friend. Dr.Fox.... Dr.Fox.. you remember my son? Theo?"

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