Chapter 20

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"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" the loud screams pull me out of my sleep and I grab my machete and I run towards the loud screams, I run into the cell block and I see people running out of cells defenseless? Are you being serious? They still don't know that there...

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"AHHHHHHHH!!!!" the loud screams pull me out of my sleep and I grab my machete and I run towards the loud screams, I run into the cell block and I see people running out of cells defenseless? Are you being serious? They still don't know that there are still walkers out there? I ram my machete into a walker and I kick a leg of one then stick my machete in its head after taking it out of the other.

I see Daryl shoot the last walker and i look around to see walkers lying all around me, people have got to have a head. They are sleeping without a weapon? I walk up to Daryl and he sees me and pulls me to the side, "Sis what do you think you're doing? You could of been bit!" Daryl says seriously, why is he acting like this? "Daryl, I came to protect. What do you think I'll do sit on the side lines and watch people get ripped apart?" I say and Daryl doesn't say anything.

"Thought so." I say and I turn to see people who survived shaking in fear, "Council Meeting, now." Rick says and Daryl walks off. "Everyone please make your way outside and we will make sure this please is clear. Have your breakfast or something!" I say and everyone starts walking out except Maggie, Carol and Me.

I look at Maggie "Next time keep it down, I was trying to sleep" I say and Maggie goes red, "Council meeting. That means you guys too." I say again, "But these need to be-". "I'll do it." I say grabbing a walkers arm and start to pull it into a nearby wheel barrow. "You're just a-". "Don't even say it Carol, I'm doing my part. Now go." I say breaking the walkers arms and legs and shoving it into the wheelbarrow.

I do it to most of them until I see Maggie, Carol and Glenn come back and start to help out, once we finally finished I was knackered out and sore. I started my way back to my cell when Rick stopped me, "Sorry Skylar you need to head to the other side of the prison." Rick says crossing his arms, "Why? Can't I just sleep?" I say rubbing my eyes and yawning after. 

"There's a flu going round and we don't want you to catch it." Rick says and I shrug, "If it's to do with the cell attack I helped kill the walkers and get rid of the bodies. So I think I'm good, so I'm going to bed." I say and Rick sighs, "Okay." Rick says before walking off, I walk towards my cell and one I get there I am starved. I should get some food before sleeping, I walk out onto the courtyard and saw that Carol was handing out food. I walked up to her and she gasped, "You're meant to be on the other side of the prison!" Carols says and I sigh. 

"Rick says I could stay" I say and she passes me some food, "Okay, well... say clear of everyone then." I nod and I walk towards a bench which was clear of people. I sat and started away at my food, I hear giggles. I look up and around and see the kids pointing and giggling, I roll my eyes and continued at my food. I heard a gasp, "Did she just roll her eyes at us!? What a bitch." I hear one girl say, "All well, she's just a stupid redneck." I hear Lizzie say, "A redneck that could shoot you all right now." I mumble and lucky they are too annoying to hear. 

"I know that the redneck can hear me, she just knows that she's nothing, worthless." Lizzie continues as I continue at my food. "I hope she catches that flu." I hear Mika say. "No, even worse I hope a walker tears her apart!" I hear one girl say, "No way, I have something even worse! Like maybe the Governor torturing her by walkers that have the flu!" I hear Lizzie say then she laughs. I take my bowl and hand it to Carol, Carol stops me by my wrist then pulls me back round. She pulls down my sleeve and I feel my face go pale, "Skylar." She says sternly, "Please tell me you didn't do this to yourself." I yank my arm away and walked away from here.

"Daryl!" I hear Carol say, great now she has her grubby nose in it. I pulled my sleeve down as I walked to my cell, I crossed my arms over my chest and walked up the stairs. I rushed into my cell and pulled the curtain down, I sat on my bed and grabbed my sketchbook. I grabbed a pencil from my bag and drew away. "Skylar!" Daryl says cold and sharp. I look up and see Daryl's silhouette, the curtain pulled back and Daryl stared down coldly at me.

"Just say it." I say sitting up and putting my things to the side, Daryl sits down next to me and he sighs while rubbing his face. "First thing, Why?" Daryl says, turning his head to me. "To let out the pain that I hold back." I say and Daryl grunts, "I mean, what is making you do this?" he says and I can tell that I'm pushing him to the limit. " 'Cause I'm a redneck." I say standing up and clutching my fists. "W-What to you mean?" Daryl says putting his hand on his hip. 

" I'm nothing. I'm worthless, I'm a FUCKING redneck! A STUPID FUCKING REDNECK AND A BITCH!" I shout and then I turn to the mirror and I smash my fist against it, I look at my hand and see the blood slowly drip off the sides. Tears slowly well up in my eyes and I collapsed onto the floor, bringing my hands to my eyes and crying into them. I feel Daryl pull my hands away and he looks at me and into my eyes, "Sis, who is saying this? what's making you think this?" Daryl asks while wiping the tears away.

"I..It's..." "What's happened?! I heard smashing!" Glenn says rushing to our cell, "Glenn go get something to help with this." Daryl says, Glenn nods then runs off. Daryl turns to me, "Who was it?" Daryl asks and I sigh, "I can't say." I say looking up at him, Daryl grunts then Glenn walks in with supplies.

"Right, can you tell me now?" Daryl says wrapping my hand in bandages, I shake my head and he sighs, "Sis, I can't help you if you don't tell me." Daryl says and I shake my head, "I'm fine." I say quietly. "Yeah, sure you are." Daryl gets up and walks out, I stand up, grab my crossbow and walk out. "I want to know who done it!" I hear Tyreese say, "We will. But just let me handle it." Rick says and I see them by the graves. I fell sweat dribble down my face and I wipe it off with my sleeve, I look out and see that it is almost night. 

I turn around but see Lizzie and Mika, and the others all staring at me, "Look! The redneck girl!" I hear one girl say, "What happened to your hand? Did a walker get you?" I hear another girl say, "No, I smashed a mirror." I say, "See, I told you she's dumb. Why would you hit a mirror stupid." Mika says, "Because I was angry." I say gritting my teeth and clenching my fist, "Anger Issues!" Lizzie sings.

"She should be out there with the walkers" I hear a girl say, "At least I'll survive not like you sissy girls." I say clenching my fists harder. "Sure!" All the girls say, "Okay, a challenge then." I pick up a can and place it on a crate, "First one to shoot the can over with a crossbow, wins." I say smirking, "Fine." Lizzie says, "I'll do it" Lizzie continues, I hand her my crossbow and she grabs it but it shakes in her hand because of the weight. She lines it up and I laugh, "Well aren't you gonna load it?" I say and Lizzie smiles nervously, "Why don't you do it, since you think your such a pro!" I hear Mika say, "Fine" I snatch the crossbow off her, and I pull the string back, I load a arrow and I hand her it. 

"Make sure the safety is off." I say, Lizzie sighs angrily, and she doesn't do anything, I sigh annoyingly and I switch it off. She lines it up with a shaky hand then fires, the arrow goes off into the crate itself, "This crossbow is too heavy not like the one I had back at Woodbury." Lizzie says, "You had one! really what type!" I say walking to the arrow and taking it out, "It was more updated one than that." she says and I laugh, I pull my string back and put the arrow in, I turn the safely off and walk to where the girls where. 

I aim, take a deep breath then...I fire. I look out my scope and see the can was pressed up against the wood that leaned against the fence, "Bullseye" I say lowering my crossbow, "That's not a gun though." A girl says, and I scoff. "You think that guns are helpful?" I say walking up to the can and yank out my arrow, "Yes" Another girl says, "One, losing ammo. You're not getting it back. Two, attracts walkers with it's noise. So, good luck out there. Cause you're not running to me for help." I say putting my crossbow on my shoulder.

"So what? You can use a crossbow, but knife skills? We are way better! We went to story time" a girl says and I laugh again, "Ooo you went to story time! I have killed over a dozen walkers with this one knife" I say flicking out my knife. "Good luck ladies" I say walking away from them. I don't walk far when I see Daryl leaning against the wall, "Skylar, what was that." Daryl says and I turn around to see the group of girls snickering at me, I turn back to Daryl and lower my head. "What was that? You didn't even show them how you skin the deer's you catch and the assault rifles you take apart and put together again." Daryl says and I lift my head, I turn my head round to the girls who have walked away just as I turned my head to them.

"Were they the ones who said those things to you." Daryl says knelling down to me, I nod and sigh. "Pathetic I know." I say and Daryl chuckles, "Come on Sis, let's get you to bed." Daryl stands up and holds my hand, I walk with him to my cell and he lays me down on my bed. "Night Sis." Daryl says and I smile. "Night" I say and Daryl gets up and walks off. I pull the blanket closer and let out a cough as I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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