Chapter 36

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Daryl left the other day, and all day yesterday I was made bed rest

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Daryl left the other day, and all day yesterday I was made bed rest. By the time I woke up this morning news had spread about Rick's outburst. So, I went to visit Rick and on the way everyone just glared at me, great way to start the day.

I finally made it to the isolation house and walked inside, I see Rick sitting there talking to Michonne. "Skylar! Hey, you okay?" Rick says and I look Rick over. He had plasters across his face and his hair was slightly ruffed up. "Yeah, but aren't I meant to say that to you?" I reply, this made Rick chuckle slightly, "Yeah, you are. But I'm more worried about you..." I said.

Rick sighs and looks up at me, "I wish you didn't have to hear this way, and without your brother but I'm okay... Just lost it for a second." Rick comments and I nod slowly, "Listen, I want you to go and check on Jessie for me, okay?" I look at Michonne for a second and she nods, "Okay, I'll be back in a second." I reply slowing.

I quickly exit out of the building and quickly rushed to Jessie's house, I ran past various house and people till I made it up to Jessie's house and once I did I saw her cleaning up the glass that Rick had pushed Pete through, or the other way round?

I looked through the door and into their living room, "You've got a bit of draft in here." I jokingly say, Jessie chuckles lightly and lifts her head up to me, "Hey, Sky" Jessie replies and I sit down in front of her, avoiding the glass. "Are you okay?" I ask and Jesse sighs then gently sits down on the floor with me, "Yes, just I didn't know Rick would do it so quickly...".

"What do you mean?" I ask and Jessie sighs again, "Rick knew that Pete was abusing me, Rick asked me if he can deal with it and I said yes... I didn't realise it would happen so quickly." Jessie says, "Rick isn't a bad man if that's what you're thinking?" I reply, being cautious. Jessie shakes her head, "I'm not thinking that, are you going to the meeting today?" Jessie asks me and I nod, "I am. I'm making sure Rick doesn't get kicked out." I say as I stand up.

"Now, if you excuse me. I need to talk to Deanna."I say and I wave to her, I quickly rush out and made my way to Deanna's house where I see her sitting on the porch. I climbed up the stairs and sat on the railing, "If you're thinking about kicking Rick out then listen to me..." I pause and Deanna looks over to me, signaling me to go on.

"Rick, he's not what you think he is. He isn't insane, he's broken. Just like the rest of his family, me included. Rick is a leader because while he is broken he can save people's lives and make life or death decisions. If you think that he's too mental then just know that we've been out there, we've been through what all of your people haven't been through, we've all almost died but we've all reunited in the end. I think it's twice we've lost each other but... We stuck together and we've found each other... With hope, blood, sweat, tears and family... Rick is our family and if you don't like it then expect all of his group to leave with him." Then I sigh.

I get off the railing and see Maggie smiling brightly at me with her big jacket, Deanna looks at me gobsmacked and I leave. I rush back to Rick as I reach Rick I see Carol, Michonne, Glenn and Rosita come out and walk passed me as they did Glenn stopped by me and gave me a hug then went back to his duties, I walked into the isolation house and saw Rick looking at me.

"Anything?" Rick asks and I sit in front of Rick, "She's shaken up but she's fine apart from that..." I say then I look down at my hands, "What else?" Rick questions, "She didn't know that you would do it so quickly." I answer and Rick nods, "Okay, I'm going to sleep." Rick says, maneuvering himself to a sleeping position, "See you.." I say and I get up and leave, I exit the house and take a breath in.

I turn my head and see Maggie walking down the street, I walk up to her and she smiles. But behind I can see that she's a little upset, "Are you going to telling me what's up or am I going to have to ask?" I ask and Maggie grabs my hands and we walk to a bench, once we get there she sits me down and places her hands in mine.

"It's hard Glenn isn't the same since Noah died, he's... more reserved, and everyone in the group a splitting off into groups, everyone has just changed..." Maggie says and I nod, "You're right, why else do you think Daryl accepted the offer of finding people?" I reply and Maggie slowly lowers her head, "Maggie, we better go..." I say as I stand up, "They will be wanting to start the meeting." I say and Maggie stands up.

She grabs my hand and leads me to the meeting, by the time we get there everyone was just settling down, I pick a seat by the front with Maggie and Glenn, I sit down with my legs crossed on the chair. We waited a couple of hours until we had to start the meeting, Glenn and Rick (as well as others) weren't at the meeting which caused others to feel unsafe.

"Okay, let's start...." Deanna says and then everyone hushes into a small silence. "I had heard from Father Gabriel that the new group that has recently entered and trust to be in Alexandria, should not be trusted and the events that had happened they proved it right." Deanna says, I stood up. "Ma'am, may I speak for a moment." I say and Deanna nods.

"Rick, is a good man. If you didn't know it was Pete who was in the wrong! Yeah, Rick did go a bit too far. But you can't blame him for trying to help, what if you guys were trying to help someone and that involved someone getting hurt or something that will make people scared but he was doing the right thing." I explained, then Carol stood up and was about to speak when Rick came walking with blood poured over him.

"Walkers got in, no one is at the gate!" Rick exclaims, someone runs out and Rick steps forward and started talking about how the places needs people to be more calm and not so accepting of people. Then the drama stepped in, or ran in. Pete paced in with Michonne sword and aimed at Rick, I took a deep breath and stepped up to him "Back off!" I shouted and Pete was about to push me when Deanna's husband pushed me out the way.

I looked back and saw his neck open and with blood slowing pouring out, tears clouded my eyes and I started to shake. That could of been me, and he saved me...

All of a sudden I hear a gunshot "Rick?" I hear a voice say, I see a black man with Aaron and Daryl. Daryl looks at me and rushes to me, he holds me tightly. "You're okay Sky... You're okay..." Daryl says and I start to cry, almost hiccuping. "I almost died" I said, well.. tried to. Daryl looked at Deanna's husband and looked at me, "Did he push you out the way?" Daryl asks and I nod.

He holds me tighter and picks me up in his arms, "Let's get you home..."

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