While I keep looking for such tools to use, the next thing I heard was Al's scream. The surprise of hearing it didn't leave me any choice to go back on him. I leave my space and immediately run back into where he was standing. My chest is at a rapid rate. I saw Cha holding a fire extinguisher and using it to procure the threat above Al.

Al runs towards us as and hides behind my back. He's shaking, his legs are trembling and I would maybe end up like him if no help comes into my way. When Cha finally consumed the fire extinguisher, she really knows how to keep it on a right pace. The threat is no longer there. She looks at us, throws the fire extinguisher and her eyes narrowed on me, filled with disappointment.

"What are you doing, Dylan? Where have you been?!"

"I was trying to find something that would that thing go away," I said.

She smirked, "you could think sooner, Dylan."

I sighed, "at least you came."

"What if I don't?" she countered, "good thing, I did."

"T-That's a big spider..." Al mumbled, "I wonder how this place turns into some kind of home for poisonous reptiles and insects."

"We should get out of here," Cha said. "I already got the gas we need for the need. I filled two gallons and I think it is enough for us to get through the next city." She said, "so, what else do you got here? Something we eat?"

"We haven't gone to it, Cha." I said, "but if we go find now, we will."

She smirked, "okay, fill up your bags. Leave unnecessary things and take only what we need."

We resumed finding supplies. I make my way to the medical space where I picked all on the shelves and put it on the bag. I clean my bruised and covered it with a bandage. I took a pain reliever. And this will do to take away the pain I'm getting.

We're not getting to the half of the trials or rebirth but I'm getting tired and exhausted. This initiation won't do good but to make everyone go through a lot of pain, aches and a situation whether to give up or not. It is their life here or what better life awaits for them at the Noble Land. But giving up isn't in my choice. Risking everything is one way you know that everything is only just a hurdle of their problematic system.

I have a goal and I will make sure of myself that when I'm done of this, I will make a better one for every life that comes into despair.

"Dylan!" I came back to my senses when she called my name. "Are you done?! We need to hurry!"

"Yes, almost done."

"Whatever's going in your head, Dy, now not's the time."

I nodded, "I know... I just keep pacing out."

She comes closer to me, "Don't do that on me, Dylan." She said, "so get your ass on the game, it is our lives on the risk."

I immediately packed my bag and sealed it. Cha and I come to find Al where he's packing all the foods we can eat. When he's done, when we're about to leave the store. We heard the rummaging sound of a military vehicle. The headlights were coming towards.

"What do we do now?" Al asked.

"Can't your tech help?" I asked him.

But he just shakes his head.

Cha smirked, "now we run."

The three of us run towards the truck, Cha picked up the two gallons of gasoline but with the weight of what she's carrying, we almost left her and tripped and lost the half of the gallons. We were about to get back and help her but she shouts to us and moves right to the truck.

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