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"Morning sunshine."

"Nope...nope...I don't rise and shine. I caffeinate and hope for the best." he wrapped me in his arms allowing me to smell his light cinnamon and oak sent."We still filming the class today?"

"Of course, we're still meeting for lunch to practice?"

"Why yes your majesty."I pretended to bow making him laugh."So, the competition though..."

"We go in after the class to practice. Don't worry. We got this." He kissed my cheek then walked off. I continued making my cup of coffee. He came back in with his laptop and started editing a video he filmed a couple days ago. I worked on making us breakfast which was simple and my favorite go to. Eggs, bacon, and toast. I spread avocado on mine while Lucas put peanut butter on his toast.

We ate breakfast then I got ready to go heading back to Lyla's house getting ready for school. A long goodbye but I'd see him in an hour. I got showered, dressed and my things together for the Choreo night at the studio. I did a little makeup but not much. I'd be back at Luca's house filming some collaboration video's. His idea for my channel is him telling me to cook something, I have no idea what he's having me cook. I have to guess.

For his channel, it's a slip and slide challenge. Tarp, soap, and water. Should be interesting. But that won't be filmed till tomorrow.

I left for school taking Lyla with me. We met up at the parking lot with Chase and Lucas."So you two are like a thing now?" She whispered.

"I guess. We haven't really specified what we are."

"You slept over at his house." I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and walked away grabbing my bag."I KNEW IT!" Lyla screamed as she followed.

"ONE, TWO, THREE!" Lucas and I started dancing to the music showing the dance team the routine as the team watched. Once we finished they all clapped and we got them into a small formation. Lucas started teaching the first half of the dance as I help correct and help other dancers. Then I thought the rest as he helped them do corrections. Once finished we got them into groups and filmed.

When the class was over I could tell they all left happy and more confident. Lucas and I quickly packed our things and made out the way to the studio to practice our routine for the competition. Contemporary. It was always one of my favorites and something I excelled in. Contemporary came with a classic beauty that can tell a story perfectly. In our case, a creepy love story and a little spooky. It pushed us both.

One the way back out to our cars I stood by Lucas side."Don't worry we've got this."He said."For the first actual training for this dance, we're doing amazing."

"It's not that life has changed so much lately...I'm just really happy that one of those changes was you." He set his stuff down in his trunk and grabbed my face pressing his lips to mine then pulling away after a moment to look at me.

"I'm so beyond happy you came into my life too..."He wrapped his arms around me making me feel safe and warm."I just wish I had the balls to ask you out that first time I saw you dancing." I hit his back as he laughed. We got in out cars and I followed him to his house. We met inside and he gave me a list of things to set up on his kitchen island while he filmed. He talked to me and answering my questions. Even making me guess. Once he gave me the secret ingredient I knew right away. "A Tiramisu!." I hit his arm making him laugh. Once we got it in the refrigerator Lucas looked at the camera and smiled. 

"Play time." We ran outside where he set the camera up on the deck. We played a little soccer and just ran around doing tricks until the timer on my phone rang.

We went back inside and continued filming. We got it out and ate a few pieces. When it was time to go home I was upset. Being with Lucas is like finally being able to breathe. I was stuck in one place for so long that it seemed like I would never get away. He kissed my cheek."I'll see you tomorrow."I left going to Lyla's house. Once there we watched movies and got ready for bed.

"Are you excited?" she asked.

"About next weeks competition? Of course, the dance they gave us is looking amazing."

"Good. It's been a while since I've seen you this happy. I love it."

"You are my best friend and I love that you know me so well."

"I was also talking about Lucas though. You two are becoming the dance worlds OTP." I couldn't help but laugh as I grabbed my toothbrush."I'm not kidding your channel and his have grown by millions. You are even getting paid for this. I'm excited to see what will happen after this competition after you two win."

"You don't know that." I reminded her.

"Oh...I do."She said with a smirk. She walked away."I know you will."


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