New Thing

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The whole weekend Lyla kept showing posts about me. Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram you name it I was on it. I gained over a two million followers over all of my social media platforms. It was weird. On audition, changed everything. "Look, you're a gif." Lyla turned her laptop to me. I saw the gif and I was dancing. It was one of the shots the camera men got while I was dancing. Whoever made it added a filter and slowed it down a little. It was awesome."You're going to be the new cool girl tomorrow at school." I froze and looked at her.

I completely forgot. I've been trying to think of a dance for the final single auditions. The last qualifier where it's just the dancer and the judges and of course the cameramen...No audience. This dance has to show all my skills or...I might not get through to the live shows. "I don't want to be the hottest new thing at school."

"Sky, you went on national TV, was the best girl dancers there, and was one of the most real people there. You deserve it. Show those assholes who they messed with. Let the friend I know and love come out. This mask you wear is tiring."


I couldn't help but roll my eyes and leave to my closet. It was late. We have school tomorrow. I grabbed my pajamas. I changed into them then slid into the bed next to her. "Let's make your channel." she said. I pushed myself further up so I was sitting up.


"Post videos. I was thinking about starting one myself as well. You can show all of your choreography. You can do all kind of things. Come on." Her finger flew across the keyboard. She was on my channel and started to put pictures up before I could say anything.

"Wait, why should I? Mom and dad are just going to get pissed." I said.

"Let them. Sky I'm tired of seeing you so down everytime your home. You sit at the dinner table and you don't smile. You can live with me if something happens but...Sky this experience will change you I promise. One of these days you're going to stand up to your parents and tell them what they need to hear or I will." She would too. She's done it to anyone who pisses her off.

Lyla is a protector at heart. She only wants people to be happy and not hurting. And ever since my parents pulled me out of dance class...I've only really ever hurt. Secretly dancing at my school dance studio or in Lyla's home studio...I don't know what would have happened. My parents and brother couldn't care less. Kids at school are assholes. Lyla is the only person I have and her Parents actually care about me. We go to her house as soon as we walk in it's "Hey how you doing?" and I'm greeted with a hug and kiss on the cheek. They've known me for so long that they are like more parents to me.

I wish they could adopt me.

The next morning I put on a pair of ripped jeans, a gray and black ombre tank top along with a sports bra under it. I grabbed my backpack and denim jacket then walked out of my room. I saw Lyla in the kitchen. She was pulling smores pop tarts out of the cabinet. "Ready?" I asked as I picked my keys off the board on the wall.

"Yep, just grabbing breakfast." she ran over to me and we walked out together. I threw my back pack in the back and turned on the radio. I heard a few good songs that I could cerograph to for my second solo piece. Pulling up to the school parking lot was crazy. Kids crowed something in the front. I parked closer to the school than normal. I got out and onto the sidewalk.

"It's Skylar!" I heard someone yell. I looked to Lyla with wide eyes and watched as the crowd in front of me all turned and looked. Then they all started running. I grabbed Lyla's hand.

"Run!" Lyla yelled. She pulled me and ran and ran. We ran to the back of the school and through a door. I held the door hoping nobody had followed. Lyla put an arm over my shoulder and we walked. "Told you. You're the hottest new thing in school."

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