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Saturday they filmed us learning the routine for the first time and I love it. Lucas was having trouble getting used to the style. I helped where I could. But today...Sunday is our interview day. They set up in the studio and had lights and camera's around. I waited outside the room with Andy while they interviewed Lucas.

We won't know what our partners are saying till the episode airs or if our partner tells us what they said. 

"Hey, your turn." Lucas said after coming out of the dance studio.I stood and walked in. I walked around the crew and a woman guided me to the chair. They did a few small things to my make up and hair.

"Okay. Let's get started." The camera man said. A man with a clipboard sat down in the chair in front of me and right next to the camera. It was a little nerve-racking. The camera was around when I danced yes, but I usually block it out. It's easy to. Now I'm actually on camera.

"Just look at me, not the camera okay." I nodded "When did you start dancing?" He asked.

"I've been dancing since I can remember. My parents put me in some dance classes around 3. It was a simple ballet class and I didn't like it very much I started hanging from the bars. But they put me in  started dancing kids older than me around 5."

"Did you ever compete?"

"I loved competing. I loved showing a routine that we worked on for months or weeks showing what we could do. It was always a rush."

"How about dancing with Lucas Kenedy? You've appeared in a couple of his video's now that have reached over a couple million views. Have you thought of starting your own channel seeing as you're a crowd favorite?" he asked.

"I have actually. My best friend talked me into it but I haven't really figured out what I'm going to do with it yet. But dancing with Lucas has been amazing. He's really fun because if we can't get something quite right or if we're struggling to get something he makes sure we still try again. He never gives up and think that's a very good quality for a dancer and really a person. It helps me a lot because there are a lot of times where I do want to give up."

The questions continued about the dance and school but once it was finished we all left the studio. "My Dad's here, I'll see later." Andy ran off and got into the passenger side.

"Wanna go grab some dinner before the dance night?" I looked up at Lucas.

"Yes, I'm starving." I said.

"Great there is an amazing Italian down the street from the studio. That okay?" We started walking to where we parked our cars.

"It's perfect. I'll meet you there?" 

"Yeah," He got in his car and I got in mine. My phone started ringing as I sat down. I put it to my ear.

"Hey I'm picking up taco bell do you want some?We have time to watch an episode of Bones before tonight."Lyla said.

"I'm actually grabbing dinner with Lucas," I said. There was a series of loud cheerful screams on her end. She was saying something with her screams but I couldn't make it out. Either she's really happy about her taco's or is really excited about me going to eat dinner with Lucas."I can't understand you." I said to her as I put it on speaker then started leaving the parking spot.

"I'm sorry but my OTP is going on their first date." She said.


"One True Pairing. Everyone is shipping you two together, me included." I try and keep looking all of this craziness of the competition and youtube to a down low. More like never. I've only seen myself on the internet when people show things to me. Even the vlog I was in with Lucas I'm trying not to watch it because I don't want to see the comments."You two have fun at the date, I'll be sitting in my room eating my tacos and planning your wedding. I'm thinking Navy Blue and White, do you agree?"

"Shut up. I'll see you later."

"I'll take that as a yes." She ended the call before I could add anything more. I drove to the restaurant and parked. I waited by my car while I watched Lucas park and get out of his car. We walked in together and the hostess sat us in a booth.

A waitress asked for drinks and then we sat there. I played with the napkin in front of me."So just wondering, why did you join the competition?" he asked crossing his arms and leaning on the table. A small smirk on his face. A handsome smirk and a smirk that made butterflies appear in my stomach.

"My best friend. She actually signed me up for it before I could do anything about it. But she talked me into actually going...My parents didn't like me dancing. They say it's not practical." I don't like talking about my parents. About them not liking what I love. But talking to Lucas was easy. I want to. Even though the butterflies make me want to jump and my cheeks heat up I can still talk to him like this. The way I talk to Lyla.

"Why wouldn't they think that's practical?"He asked.

"They wanted me to be a doctor or a lawyer. Something that could make my life stable. My brother has been their little puppet doing what they say. I just did what they asked to make them happy. That's why I danced after school in the studio alone. Or in my friends home studio."

"Sorry to hear that. I kind of know what that's like." he said.


"Yeah. When I first started youtube. My parents thought it was a waste of time."

"Guess you proved them wrong didn't you?" I said. He smiled and let out a small laugh that made me feel warm. The waitress brought our drinks and then we gave her our orders. I got chicken alfredo with broccoli and he got the classic spaghetti and meatballs. The whole time talking like we've known each other for years. 

He wasn't a hot upcoming popular YouTuber who's on TV.. I wasn't a dancer in a competition being shown on TV. We are just us. Lucas and Skylar. That's all. We had a couple of people all around our age come and ask for photos. We, of course, said yes and they walked off really happy. It was odd being asked for pictures by strangers. People knew us just by seeing us. It's something I guess I'm going to have to get used to.

We left for the studio and I met up with Lyla. Andy sadly couldn't make it. But Lucas went with his buddy and all the dancers, those who were here for the first meet up and now those from the dance team were here. The choreographer Lacy warned us it was a different dance. It was Sexy. And honestly...I loved it. It was fun and I just let loose. 

Like last time we broke down into groups and danced together. Lucas and his friends filiming all of us. 

The end of class came around and I was getting ready to go. I sat down my back to the wall and drinking my water. Lucas walked over."You were amazing, as always." he said putting out a hand. I took it and he helped me up.

"Thanks, you did pretty well yourself." I told him. For a moment we just looked at each other and that's when I noticed the room was silent. And the only people in here were me and him. I looked down and noticed our hands were still together.

"Can I tell you something?" he asked.I looked back up at him and all I could do was nod my head.He didn't say anything. He put his free hand on the side of my face and then before I realized it his lips were on mine.

Soft. Warm. Perfect. My body no longer felt tired as I put my free hand on his toned arm. Our hands that once held each other seperated. I put my hand on his shoulder as he wrapped his hand around my waist.

"Okay I got-Woah!" Quickly Lucas and I pulled apart and I turned to the door. I glanced at Lucas seeing him turned with his back to the door. I looked at Lyla, phone in her hand and shock that quickly turned to happiness on her face."Oh-we're talking about this later." she said.


The Nerd Can Danceحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن