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"Atticus if you don't stop being naughty I'll tell mummy" Atticus turned around to look at me before huffing and stomping his sneaker clad foot on the ground. "Stop your sooking" I say before lifting him up into my arms ignoring his protests. We were still at the shopping centre with Charlie but she was in the baby section getting more clothes for Toby even though she didn't really need anymore, that baby has more clothes than me. Charlie had wanted me to look in the boys section to find some new clothes for Atticus since he's growing constantly and growing out of all his clothes.

I carry the child over to the pants section of the boys section at the clothing store and begun looking through the racks whilst I held onto the wriggling toddler. I got told to find clothes a size up from what atty was currently wearing which was a 3 so I grab a pair of sized 4 denim shorts and hold them up to show Atticus. "What about these ones?" I question, he nodded slightly before putting his head down on my shoulder obviously giving up the fight. Since he wasn't wriggling around anymore I take the time to quickly grab some more clothing items such as jeans, sweatpants and some tops.

"How's it going?" I turn around to see Charlie was walking towards me with the trolley we had grabbed at the start of our shopping adventure. "I got a few things" I say as I pass the items to her so she could see if they would be okay, I walk over to the trolley to see Toby was awake in her car seat that was placed on top of the trolley. "Hey baby" I say making her gurgle up at me, I tickle her chubby tummy before moving away from the trolley since Atticus was whining for his mum.

"Here I'll take him" Charlie spoke from the next rack, I walk over to her and pass her the child before going back to Toby in the trolley and began pushing it behind Charlie as she found a few more items before telling me that would be enough and we headed towards the check out to purchase everything that was in the trolley except for my darling little niece who was staring up at me while sucking on her pacifier.


"Where are you going?" Charlie questions as I head towards the front door without a shirt on, just in my sweatpants, shoes and my hat on. "Going for a smoke" I inform her, she nodded and walked back into the kitchen. She doesn't like me smoking but I don't do it anywhere near the kids so she lets me off the hook. I pull the front door open and walk outside and take a seat on the front steps. I hear a noise to my right so I turn my head to look at our next door neighbours house that has been vacant for a little while now.

Something was different about it though, the house wasn't vacant. There were 2 cars in the driveway with a moving truck behind them. I light my cigarette and bring it up to my lips before pulling my phone from my pocket and began searching through social media, ignoring all the tags from Macy, because I know if I like or reply to one she'll notice immediately and send me bulk messages which I really don't want to deal with. "Hey!" I look up and over to the new neighbours house to see there was a boy around my age standing at the fence dividing our houses.

I get up from the step and walk over to him, not before putting out my smoke though. "Hey, I'm Luke" I introduce myself "Hey man, I'm Kendall" he said before looking over at who I assume was his dad who called out to him. "Gotta go help unpacking" Kendall said as he rolled his eyes "have fun, cya later dude" I chuckle before walking back over to the front door of my house and walk inside since my nipples were rock hard and were starting to hurt from the cold air.

"Did you know we have new neighbours?" I question Charlie as I walk into the kitchen where she was cooking dinner. "Nope" she claims before asking if I could feed Toby. I take the bottle from her hand and take a seat at the counter in front of Toby who was laying in her carrier. "Are you hungry?" I question the baby as I take the pacifier out of her mouth, the cries that followed answered my question so I quickly but gently place the teat of the bottle into her little mouth which soothed her cries as she begun drinking the milk.

"Where is atty?" I question Charlie as I notice the toddler wasn't in the kitchen. "He is upstairs in the bath with Niall" I nod my head and look down at my phone seeing as I couldn't do much else while holding a bottle for my princess. I log onto my Facebook account to see I had a new friends request from somebody named Kendall Jackson. The profile picture was of the guy I had just met next door so I press accept before scrolling through my news feed.

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